METU M IDDLE E AST T ECHNICAL U NIVERSITY Dr. Cevat Şener, Dept. of Computer Engineering, METU, Ankara, Turkey
B RIEFLY METU A state university. Founded in 1956 to contribute to the development of Turkey and Middle East countries and especially to train people so as to create a skilled workforce. The language of instruction is English. Currently, it has about 23K students: 4.5K in MS + 2.7K in Ph.D programs. Totally, 40 BS, 97 MS and 62 Ph.D programs. SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
I NTERNATIONAL P ROGRAMMES METU hosts over 1,500 international students from nearly 80 different countries. 168 Erasmus agreements bilateral exchange/ cooperation international agreements. 13 undergraduate programs in METU Northern Cyprus Campus. 19 international joint degree programs with European and American universities. Member of many associations/networks/programs such as EUA, EAIE, IIE, GE3, CEASAR, SEFI, CIEE, AIESEC and IAESTE. SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
A N I NTERNATIONAL R ESEARCH U NIVERSITY Actively took part in or managed many Med-Campus, MEDA, COST, Eureka, NASA, NATO, NSF, UN, World Bank, Jean Monnet, INCO, EUMEDIS, FP6, FP7, Erasmus Mundus ECW, Leonardo and Socrates projects. METU has involved in 59 FP6 and 32 FP7 projects. SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
METUTECH: METU T ECHNOPOLIS METUTECH was founded in It has reached an enormity of 2451 personnel in 157 firms including multinationals such as SBS, MAN, Siemens. On the 60K m 2 closed area, it is the biggest science park of Turkey. SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
D EPARTMENT OF C OMPUTER E NGINEERING The first “Computer Engineering” in Turkey. Accredited as substantially equivalent to similarly named accredited programs in US by ABET. ~30 faculty + >40 assistants Programs and approximate number of students: Computer Eng. in BS 500 Computer Eng. + Software Eng. in MS 400 Computer Eng. in Ph.D 100 SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
R ELATED B ACKGROUND Member of TR-Grid NGI HPC Lab HP Blade Infiniband Cluster connected to TR-Grid IBM Blade deployed as a cloud node SEE-GRID2 Two portlets for P-GRADE: EGEE File Manager + Extended Certificate Manager Portlet with the Grid-based Artificial Evolution Framework SEE-GRID-SCI Portlet with the Seismic Risk Assessment Application Lead the NA4 User Support Activities Maintenance of two P-GRADE Portal installations General purpose for TR-Grid users Seismology Portal Member of P-GRADE Developer Alliance SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
R OLE IN SCI-BUS Statistical Seismology Gateway with Integration of multi-source data of seismic hazard analysis Seismic hazard analysis functions Determination of probability distributions and their parameters Complex predictive modelling of earthquake phenomena Robust techniques for the parameter estimation in models Next-generation attenuation relations Complex logic-tree and sensitivity analysis Statistical calculations for seismic risk Leading SA1/WP4 SCI-BUS Production Gateway Services Portlet and application repositories Generic-purpose reference gateway Customised application-specific gateways Training gateway SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
G OALS Achieving a Statistical Seismology gateway that could be used by European seismologists and especially those from EMSC, EPOS, SHARE etc. Deploying the SCI-BUS production gateway services (together with the repositories) and keeping them available. SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
P EOPLE Main Contact Dr. Cevat Şener Dept. of Computer Engineering, METU Domain Expertise Prof. Dr. Ayşen Dener Akkaya Dept. of Statistics, METU Advisory Prof. Dr. Semih Yücemen Dept. of Civil Engineering, METU SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
O BJECTIVES 1. Set up and operate the production SCI-BUS generic-purpose reference gateway 2. Set up and operate the customised application- specific gateways 3. Set up and operate the SCI-BUS Portlet Repository and the SCI-BUS Application Repository, provide the Portlet and Application Repository services 4. Provide the SCI-BUS gateway service for SCI- BUS training events 5. Provide gateway support service for NGI infrastructure providers who intend to operate a SCI-BUS generic-purpose gateway for their infrastructure SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,
T ASKS – O NE TASK PER OBJECTIVE 1. SA1.1: Set up and operate the production SCI- BUS generic-purpose reference gateway 2. SA1.2: Set up and operate the customised application-specific gateways 3. SA1.3: Set up and operate the SCI-BUS Portlet Repository and the SCI-BUS Application Repository, provide the Portlet and Application Repository services 4. SA1.4: Provide the SCI-BUS gateway service for SCI-BUS training events 5. SA1.5: Provide gateway support service for NGI infrastructure providers SCI-BUS Pre-Kick-Off, UoW,