™ GOAL OF RESEARCH: Evaluation of the level of satisfaction and service of football supporters during the UEFA EURO 2012™ Championships in Host Cities. SAMPLE: 501 interviews with foreign football supporters over 15 during EURO 2012 Tournament in Gdansk; interviews were conducted before, during and after Spain – Italy match. Before the match 297 interviews were accomplished, during and after the match accomplished 62 and 142 interviews Methodology 2 1 : 1 Warsaw Spain - Italy June 10 th, :00 p.m. Spaniards and Italians were the largest groups studied in Gdansk on the day of the Spain-Italy match (both 25%).
Atmosphere of Tournament 3 What is your general opinion about the atmosphere during the EURO 2012 in Gdansk? The majority of the respondents ( 93.8% ) liked the atmosphere at the match of the European Championships in Gdansk. The atmosphere was judged negatively by just 2% of the respondents. 4.2% were indifferent to the atmosphere.
Organization of Tournament 4 What is your general opinion about the organization of the EURO 2012 in Gdansk? The organization of Euro 2012 Tournament in Gdansk was rated bad by a small percentage of respondents (5.8%). Much more respondents rated the organization of Euro 2012 in Gdansk positively ( 81.2% ). 14.8% of the respondents had ambivalent attitude to the organization. 12.4% of the respondents had problems judging the organization.
City transport evaluation 5 List of ways to move around Gdansk during EURO 2012 and freguency of using city transportation during EURO 2012 In Gdansk fans chose trams ( 38.1% ) and light rail ( 32.7% ) most often. Privat car and tram (27.3% and 25.9%) was also chosen often. 73,2% of the respondents rated urban transport in Gdansk positively. One out of five respondents rated it very well (22.6%). 17.2% of the respondents chose the answer „neither good nor bad”. Negative opinions accounted for 6.4% of the answers. 3.2% of the respondents had difficulties with answering this question.
Park and Ride 6 Do you / did you use the Park and Ride (P+R) parking facility available along the main exit roads from Gdansk? Were the information leaflets handed out at the parking lots satisfactory? 14% respondents declared that on the day of Spain-Italy match they used Park and Ride parking facilities in Gdansk. Most of people, who declared that they used this type of parking expressed satisfaction with information distributed at those facilities during EURO 2012 ( 87.7% ).
Safety 7 Where there any situations when during your stay in Gdansk you might have felt worried, or not entirely safe? If yes, where exactly you did not feel safe? Please use the answers below to describe what contributed to the negative experience during your stay?
8 Did you use the assistance of volunteers in Gdansk during the EURO 2012? Assistance of volunteers Every third respondent used the assistance of volunteers on the day of the match in Gdansk. Most often indicated places, where fans used the assistance of the volunteers, were: Fan Zone (42.1%), the streets of Gdansk (31.7%), railway station (27.6%), airport (18.6%), parking (10,7%). Respondents who used the assistance of volunteers generally thought that they were doing a good job ( 89.6% ). The volunteers work was rated negatively by 1.7% of the respondents. Nearly 8% of the respondents chose the answer „neither good nor bad”. 1% of fans couldn’t answer this question.
9 Did you visit the Fan Zone in Gdansk? What is your GENERAL opinion of the Fan Zone in Gdansk? Fan Zone Nearly 69% of the respondents visited the Fan Zone. Most of them visited the Fan Zone once (67.7%). Visitors general opinion of the Fan Zone was positive ( 86.3% ). Minimum percentage referred negatively to the Fan Zones (4.4%). 8.7% of the respondents had ambivalent opinion. Average number of visits in the Fan Zone:
10 What is your overall impression connected with your stay in Poland? Overall impressions of the stay in Poland More than a half of the respondents declared that their general impressions of the stay in Poland are better than they expected ( 57.7% ). The impressions were in line with expectations for 37.3%. The impressions were below expectations for 4.2% of the respondents. About 1% had problems answering this question.
11 Summary of each evaluation aspect of EURO 2012 organization in Gdansk