Cranes, Forklifts & Material Handling This month we are going to look at a basic understanding of the requirements for safely working with with cranes and forklifts. Cranes Forklifts
Cranes Types of cranes: Overhead Gantry Crawler Locomotive Truck Jib
Overhead Crane Inspections – One of the most important requirements for keeping associates safe.
Two Primary Types Frequent – Daily & Monthly inspections Periodic – 1 to 12 month interval
Frequent Inspections Daily – Each day the crane is used, an inspection should be conducted prior to use.
Daily Inspections All functional operating mechanisms Deterioration or leakage of lines if air or hydraulics are used Hooks with deformation or cracks. (Overloading primary cause) Hoist chains and wire rope including end connectors for excessive wear, twist, distorting, broken lays and stretch beyond the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Monthly Inspections Hooks with deformation or cracks; monthly inspection with a certification record which includes the date of inspection, the signature of the person who performed the inspection and the serial number, or other identifier, of the hook inspected. Discard hooks with cracks or having more than 15 percent in excess of normal throat opening or more than 10 degrees of twist from the plane of the unbent hook.
Wire Rope It is important that your wire rope is inspected monthly for damaged. There is specific inspection criteria for wire rope. Check your manufacturer.
Wire Rope Damage
Hoist/Sling Chains/Frequent Hoist chains, including end connectors for excessive wear, twist, distorted links interfering with proper function, or stretch beyond manufacturer’s recommendations. Daily visual inspection – monthly with a certification record.
Chain Inspection – Examples Twisted Links or Deformed Hardware 10% Wear Nicks, Cracks 5% Stretch
Synthetic Slings Slings should be inspected before each use. Load capacities should be read on the tag to insure the sling will carry the load. Some slings have “red fiber” technology. This is a warning that the sling has been over stressed or damaged.
Remove Sling From Service acid or caustic burns melting or charring of any part of the sling snags, punctures, tears or cuts broken or worn stitches distortion of fittings missing, illegible or incomplete tag knots in any part of the sling "excessive" abrasion other visible damage that causes doubt as to the strength of the sling.
Examples Of Damaged Slings
Material Handling What factors contribute to forklift trucks accidents? Many work-related factors can cause accidents. Grouping them into specific categories may help to analyze accidents and, eventually, to prevent them.
What factors of work organization can contribute to forklift trucks accidents? Lack of training or improper training of workers who have to operate forklift trucks. Production factors such as speed or stress. Lack of proper tools, attachments and accessories. Improper assignment of forklifts and operators. Poor maintenance of forklifts. Age of forklifts.
What behavioral and operational factors can contribute to forklift trucks accidents? Improper backing up techniques. Improper turning. Improper warnings to others about a forklift in use nearby. Poor communication during shared tasks, or in shared spaces. Riding or giving rides on forklift or load. Parking the forklift improperly. Improper blocking of wheels on semi-trailers or railway cars. Horseplay; stunt driving; jerky, erratic driving. Inadequate servicing of the forklift.
How can workplace design contribute to forklift trucks accidents? Narrow aisles. Crowded, cluttered aisles. Obstructions at intersections and doors. Volume of traffic in work area. Walking and working in the general area of forklift operations. Other workplace conditions such as noise, odors, toxic gases, dust, or poor lighting. Many ramps with different surfaces. Condition of loading dock.
What characteristics of the load create a hazard? Poorly stacked or piled on the pallet. Pallets in poor repair. Load too heavy. Load unstable or blocking vision.
What mechanical conditions or design features increase the risk for forklift accidents? Malfunction of brakes. Malfunction of steering. Malfunction of clutch, shift linkage, or transmission. Malfunction of mast assembly. Leaks in hydraulic systems or transmission. Safety devices lacking, inadequate, or malfunctioning. Emissions from forklifts. "Blind spots" or obstructions blocking driver's view. Poor layout of controls and displays.