The Issue The manually operated gates used on Brick Trucks present inherent RISK. The potential for INJURY is apparent due to drivers physically lowering and lifting gates. Often the gates are under tension or pre-loaded due to load restraints. With many deliveries per day, operators are repeatedly exposed to these HAZARDS. INJURIES can range from physical impact from gates, musculoskeletal conditions, persistent pain, and many more. Unassisted lifting of gates can see operators lifting up to 200kg. Spring Assisted gates have the potential for Spring Up injuries if tensioned too high. Spring Assisted gates have the potential to involve large weights if under tensioned. Operators are placed in danger due to forklift movements whilst unloading. This danger is often from forklifts unloading other vehicles.
The Effect According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics report on Work-Related injuries July 2013 – June 2014 of 12.5 million workers,4.3% experienced a work-related injury. 85% of these continued to work in the job where there injury occurred. The occupation groups with the highest rates of work-related injury were Machinery Operators and Drivers (88 per 1000 employees versus the average 43 per 1000). The Transport, Postal & Warehousing Industry has the second highest rate of work- related injuries with 76 per 1000 employees. The most common types of injuries were 33%, followed by joint or muscle 21%. Of the 531,800 injured persons 34% sustained their injury through lifting, pushing, pulling or bending (all the actions a driver undertakes to operate the current gate system on brick trucks).
The Cost According to Safe Work Australia – Australian Workers’ Compensation Statistics : Muscular stress while lifting or handling objects caused 33% of Serious Claims Between and the median time lost for a serious claim rose by 29% to 5.4 working weeks. In the same period the median compensation paid rose by 71% to $8,900. The back was the location on the body most often injured at 22% of all serious claims. The median compensation claim for musculoskeletal injury and disorder was $8,
The Cost cont. According to a study conducted by LaTrobe University in conjunction with Arthritis Victoria: Approximately 6.1million Australians are affected by arthritis or musculoskeletal conditions with substantial economic impacts associated with persistent pain. Theses impacts include loss of productivity from reduced workforce participation. Pain of musculoskeletal origin accounts for the largest proportion of non-cancer pain. Some associated costs of this include loss of productivity from reduced workplace participation and lost income tax as well as increased government support payments. Recent analysis has estimated costs related to early retirement due to arthritis at $9.4billion in lost GDP.
The Solution: Automate Gate Automate Gate eliminates the potential for hazards by automating the process using pneumatics and hydraulics. This innovative system was designed and developed by a Brick Cartage contractor, for brick cartage contractors. The Automate Gate is operated via controls between the truck and trailer ensuring the operator is in a SAFE ZONE away from potential forklift hazards.