Focus on Chesapeake Bay Amaris Hairston APES
What is an estuary? An estuary is the tidal mouth of a large river where the tide meets the stream.
The Chesapeake Bay estuaries stretch from Harve de Grace, Maryland, to Virginia Beach Virginia. The latitude of Chesapeake Bay ranges from (Virginia Beach, Virginia) to (Harve de Grace, Maryland). Estauries are generally found where rivers meet the sea or ocean.
Rosa Palustis- adapted to the moisture given off by its waters and there is also the perfect amount of sunlight provided in this biome for this plant Cardinal Flower Arrow Arum Atlantic White Cedar Smooth Cordgrass Brazilian Waterweed
Bobcat- botcat kittens are eaten by foxes and coyotes while adult bobcats feed on any smaller mammal River otter- eats mostly fish but will eat frogs, crabs and some other small mammals. Eaten by larger animals Nutria Red fox Muskrat Beaver
Invasive Species: Zebra Mussels It’s having a negative impact on the community because it kills native mussels, clog pipes and disturb navigation. Control systems that have been used are hand-scraping, chemical treatments, and power washing
Global warming has been a great threat to the chesapeake bay estuarie biome. Ways to minimize threat is by decreasing global warming and this can be done by having less pollution and recycling.