May 29, 2016 We pray you will experience the presence of God and the warmth of our people today. Communication cards are available on the entry table and under sanctuary chairs. We hope to become better acquainted! Today our text is found in Acts 19: Next week Pastor Gary will be preaching. If you’re new to our congregation, we’re glad you’re here and hope you feel at home with us. On the last Sunday of each month, all ages worship together in Family Worship Sunday. Next week, our elementary and preschool children will return to Kid’s Church. Nursery care is provided each week for children age two years and under. Joy Streight, Pastor Prayer Reminders Lord help us be more like You, serving neighbors while serving You. Praise the LORD for His abiding presence, answers to prayer and constant faithfulness! Healing Irene, MAF: John recovering. Joyce C., Lily, Susan, Ruth M., Arthur, Sandra Y., Louisa, Mandy, Bill, Aaron B., Roy, Mary W., Brent K., Isaiah W., Dan, Debbie, Heather, Jessica, Annette, Ian W., Charlene, Jean, Alfred, Kathleen, Joy Z., Beverly S., Lucy Y., Katie, John S, Barbara I. Cancer Battles Marlene, Ron, Chuck, Shawntel, Heather, Paul, Marv, Lena, Gale, Bonnie, Maria, Rose M., Lee, Ross S., Peg W., Angie K., Emily, Judy, Nick, Stephanie, Michelle, John S., Whitney, Doran, Yoshiko God’s Care, intervention and guidance Mark, Ashley, our new intern, Dr. Gary Waller, ‘supply pastor’ while Pastor Joy is on sabbatical. Ndreci, Jordan, Students. Ecuador recovering. Lois W., Duane & Nancy, Steve & Joni, Lane, Darlene, Scott M., Aleah, Sarah C., Brian. Janet W., refugees, Seth, Shasta & son, Jonathan S., NNU., unspoken needs, financial needs of our people, church & community. Our District Leader Rev. Scott Shaw Solid Rock Garden Ministry Praying for 2016 season. Are you a part of the SRG ministry? Castle Hills Church of the Nazarene Rev. Joy Streight, Pastor “Jacob’s Well” Boise’s N. End- Chris & Cherie Reiter, Pastor Contact Us Interim Pastor, Dr. Gary Waller: (208) Worship Ministry, John Redfield: (208) Youth and Children’s Pastor, Rev. Ashley Wetzel: Ministry Administration, Elisa Bullock: Church office: (208) Acts of the Apostles—The Church on Fire
Calendar of Events Young adult parish group—2482 W Rebecca Way, Meridian Pastor Sabbatical, June 1 to July 19. Back in the office 07/20 Dr. Gary Waller, preaching—POTLUCK following service Solid Rock Garden Work Day, 8 AM to 1 PM Missionaries, Monte & Bethany Cyr— Morning Worship Joey & Ree Sumi at young adult parish group 7 PM ‘Take a Second’ Dinner—”Ask the pastor” night! All-Church Camp-Out, Cascade Lake, Fr. Creek Campground May 31 June 1 June 5 June 11 June 25 June 26 June 28 August 10 August Missionaries Coming! Upcoming Saturday (8 AM to 1 PM) Work Days: June 11, 25—July 9, 23—August 6, 20 Garden Needs Mostly—we need YOU! Also: Coffee, pitch forks, 5-gallon buckets, hoes (both long & short handled) Wheelbarrow tires, work gloves, PRAYER! PEOPLE POWER! Financial support Solid Rock Garden Ministry We’re Going on a Ramblin’ Road Trip! Sunday Morning VBS-through the summer We are hitting the road next Sunday, June 5 th at 10:30am. Each Sunday through the summer, we will be exploring various destinations which will help us learn more about God. And we need YOU! We need kids! Lots of them! And we need volunteers to prepare snacks and crafts, lead worship, tell stories, and love kids to Christ. (And have fun!) Sign ups are on the slat wall. Help us bless our children this summer! Sunday June 26, 2016 Monte & Bethany Cyr (pronounced 'Sear') are Missionaries on the Mesoamerica Region. They are from Idaho! Monte shares that God called his family to invest their time, energies, and lives into the development of leaders and Christ-like disciples. Bethany testifies God clearly spoke to her about her willingness to let go of family, friends and home to obey Him and follow His plan for their lives. Bethany and Monte feel privileged to serve the Lord in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America Region of the world and seek always to share the love of Christ with others and bring glory to His Name! pray for this precious family. Family in our church is seeking a housekeeper for bi-weekly or monthly cleaning. Please contact the church for more info: Help Wanted! Furniture is needed for a young single mother with a newborn. Contact the church If you have items to help this family: