 Physical  Intellectual  Emotional  Social  Moral.


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Presentation transcript:

 Physical  Intellectual  Emotional  Social  Moral

 Physical Needs – if physical needs are not met other areas are threatened. › Rest › Food › Clothing › Bath time › Health care › Illness

 A child’s mind develops more fully with the help of adults.  Effective caregivers: › Read › Play games › Introduce age appropriate activities › Talk to children to develop language skills

 A child who grows up feeling loved is more likely to become a well-adjusted adult.  Caregivers who promote positive feelings: › Listen attentively › Give praise › Comfort children › Accept children’s fears and concerns › Show affection

 The ability to relate well to others is useful throughout life.  Caregiver who promotes social development: › Interact with children › Provide opportunities for play with other children › Talk › Play games › Acknowledge appropriate behavior › Encourage sharing and taking turns

 Children need to develop a sense of right and wrong and basic values such as fairness, justice and empathy. Moral behavior is better taught by EXAMPLE than by preaching to children!

 Modeling good behavior.  Set clear and positive limits.  Correct misbehavior quickly and consistently. › Remind child of appropriate behavior › Take away a privilege › Use time-out › Regardless of the method …consistency is key!

 Childproof the environment  Prevent accidents by: › Give infants and toddlers sturdy playthings without small or sharp objects. › Keep plastic bags away from children › Restrict crawling children to places they can explore safely. › Choose playgrounds with well-maintained equipment › Secure infants and children in carseats and seatbelts.