How ad companies persuade consumers to spend $$$
How savvy are you? When it comes to watching ads on TV or reading them in magazines, be aware of the ways in which you are persuaded to buy, try, wear, or eat certain products. The following techniques are among the most widely used:
Name Calling or Innuendo This type of ad creates a negative attitude by hinting or implying that you “wouldn’t want to buy, try, eat, or wear that!” Looks down upon another company by calling them names or saying negative things about the competition Don’t buy a gas- guzzling, gigantic SUV—the VW Beetle is just right for you!”
Name Calling: Explain Example Retrieved from content/uploads/2009/11/bestVDIsolution1.gif on March 21, 2010http:// content/uploads/2009/11/bestVDIsolution1.gif
Glittering Generalities Telling only part of the truth; generalizing from only a small bit of evidence NO REAL FACTS ARE STATED! She must be the best candidate, since she has had the most experience.
Glittering Generality: Explain Example
Bandwagon Creating a desire to join a large group satisfied with the idea; making people feel left out if they don’t join the crowd. Thousands of people buy our product, so it must be terrific! The lines are out the door for their newest CD. Hurry!
Bandwagon: Explain Example Retrieved from content/uploads/2009/03/gap-spring-09-ads.jpg on March 21, 2010 content/uploads/2009/03/gap-spring-09-ads.jpg
Testimonial Using the declaration of a famous person or authority figure to give extra credibility. What does that mean??? Retrieved from on March 21,
Testimonial Example Retrieved from on March 21,
Appeal to prestige, snobbery, or plain folks Using a spokesperson to appeal to the audience—makes the person want to be like the spokesperson by appealing to their lifestyle (simple; rich; decadent, etc.) Maybe it’s Maybelline All American--Tommy
Appeal to Emotions (with example) Connecting with emotions such as loyalty, pity, nostalgia (a longing for the “good old days”), fear, love of family, peace, or justice Retrieved from side.jpg on March 21, side.jpg
You can find more than 1 technique in any add… How many can you find? Explain. Retrieved from ng_4C_pos_300x.JPG on March 21, ng_4C_pos_300x.JPG
Is it wrong to use techniques such as these? How can knowing these techniques help us be smart consumers?