October 8, 2009 Virginia Tech SuperDARN HF radar group Relocated from JHU/APL to VT in 2008 Senior Staff: Mike Ruohoniemi Jo Baker Ray Greenwald (Research faculty) Lasse Clausen*(Post-doc from Leicester University, UK) Students:Nathaniel FrissellPh.D. Yin YanPh.D. Kevin SterneM.Sc. A J Riberio*M.Sc. Nitya Ravindran*M.Sc. *Additions since the last IAB meeting The SuperDARN lab is located in the Corporate Research Center in the ICTAS building. A recent proposal to double our office space was accepted.
October 8, 2009 Combined Fields-of-View of SuperDARN Radars Currently in Operation Northern Hemisphere 14 operating radars. Southern Hemisphere 7 operating radars. McMurdo, Dome C (2) and Zhongshan in development.
October 8, 2009 Virginia Tech SuperDARN HF radar group PI Institution for the NSF SuperDARN Upper Atmosphere Facility (UAF) - supports the U.S. component of the international SuperDARN collaboration (21 radars, ten countries), including: - operation of four radars (Goose Bay, Kapuskasing, Wallops, and Blackstone) - distribution of SuperDARN data to the wider research community - research on topics in space physics and space weather - engineering and software innovations of benefit to the wider collaboration
October 8, 2009 SuperDARN Space Weather Map SUN
October 8, 2009 Virginia Tech SuperDARN HF radar group The UAF renewal proposal was submitted in June and funded as a grant in September. - awarded for a 5 year term as an NSF Collaborative grant - VT is the lead institution with a partner at JHU/APL - funding for VT is $2.35 (out of $3.7M)
October 8, 2009 Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) Northern hemisphere: 14 radars Southern hemisphere: 8 radars
October 8, 2009 Virginia Tech SuperDARN HF radar group PI Institution on an NSF Mid-Sized Infrastructure (MSI) project: - aim is to construct a mid-latitude chain of SuperDARN radars - 4 year term ( ) - VT is the lead collaborative institution with partners at Dartmouth College, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and JHU/APL - funding for VT is $2M (out of $6M) - the build of the first pair of radars is underway on the grounds of Fort Hays State University in western Kansas
October 8, 2009 Layout of MSI SuperDARN radars in Kansas
October 8, 2009 Construction of the MSI SuperDARN Facility Staking – January Piers and poles – August Raising the poles - September
October 8, 2009 Construction of the MSI SuperDARN Facility
October 8, 2009 FHSU – 2009 Hays, KS OSU – 2010 Corvallis, OR 2011 Aleutian Islands, AK 2012 Azore Islands, Portugal MSI SuperDARN