“Viral Videos” on the Mechanics of Materials Douglas Holmes Boston University Keywords: Videos, Media, Technology
Why? It is imperative for scientists and engineers to be able to communicate to a wide range of audiences. Learning how to write and speak in a clear and concise manner is an essential skill, yet students are offered little dedicated training during their undergraduate careers. I aim to use digital media as a means to: 1. Inspire curiosity in mechanics. 2. Provide learning tools for people with a wide range of educational backgrounds. 3. Train students to better communicate mechanics.
When? Began using videos for supplemental instruction materials in 2013 at Virginia Tech. Experimented with student-created videos in at Boston University.
Where? Virginia Tech (ESM2204): Mechanics of Deformable Bodies –Began with instructional videos, demoed student- created content for honors project in Boston University (ME305): Mechanics of Materials –Tested in one section in 2014, expanded to full course in 2015.
What? Watch these videos at: Student-Created Content: Create a short educational video that conveys an important concept from Mechanics of Materials in an insightful and enjoyable way. Success: A video that the student and their peers would enjoy watching and could learn from.
Prognosis? Funded in part by NSF CAREER Award. Will extend to other classes in future. Need to improve dissemination of content. Develop undergraduate portfolio spanning courses? NSF CMMI – Mechanics of Materials (# ) CAREER: Understanding and Controlling the Deformation of Thin Rods within Soft and Fragile Matter