Chapter 3
What are the elements of a good relationship?
What is the Blessed Trinity? The three Divine Persons in one God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit It’s a mystery of faith – A truth of our faith that we can’t fully understand that we know only because God has revealed it to us.
Volunteers to Read Page 34?
Clovers and the Trinity To help better explain the Blessed Trinity, Saint Patrick compared it to a clover leaf.
When do we pray to the Blessed Trinity? Mass, make the sign of the cross, Glory Be prayer, during sacraments, etc.
Volunteers to Read Page 35-36?
How can you share God’s love with others? Great Commandment: “You shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind and you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 23: 37, 39)
Evangelization The sharing of the good news of Jesus Christ and the love of God with all people, in every circumstance of life Comes from a Greek word meaning “Gospel” or “Good News” Read page 37 and do the activity
Homework Do the chapter 3 assessment on page 39 Study chapters 1-3 for your test next week