St. Augustine Center Liberal Arts at sunrise
Knowledge Sharing January 2013 Literary Questions Spanish
How can I find an English translation of a work in Spanish, e.g. drama, short story, novel? Type: “english translation” spanish Refine search by:
Another reference question Vufind and Google = Perfect Together The supposed title isn’t in the collection – DON’T GIVE UP What if you can’t find the title
Spanish Grad asking for t for a collection of short stories by Roberto Bolano titled Últimos atardeceres en la tierra 1) Looked in Vufind 0 results 2) Google Ultimos atardeceres en la tierra bolano wiki 3) Discovered it is SHORT STORY within the collection. The title of book:SHORT STORY Putas Asesinas
Search Vufind again with putas asesinas We do own the short story collection ! Why didn’t it appear in original search? The table of contents wasn’t not included
I.Book Resources for Criticism & Biographical info & Biographical info Question: II.Online Resources for Criticism & Biographical Info & Biographical Info Looking for information on Pablo Neruda Criticism on his poems preferably in Spanish Where to go?
SUBJECT GUIDE Select SUBJECT GUIDE Where in the World can you find... Pablo Neruda
MATERIAL TYPES to Consider [in no particular order] : Books Books – criticism biographical info Standard sources for criticism AND biographical info Databases Databases – criticismpoem’s Source for criticism on the poem’s name name or the title’s name of collection OR themes Sources on author’s style or possible themes
And now for a ‘commercial break’... Twayne Publishers Did you know Twayne Publishers Twayne Publishers – World Author’s Series offers students: critical interpretation discussion of an author's work takes account of major literary trends important scholarly contributions provides new critical insights with an original point of view is synonymous Literary Criticism with Literary Criticism
I. Book Resource for Criticism twayne world authors Showing of 838 for search: twayne world authors twayne neruda Showing of 1 for search : twayne neruda
I. Book Resource for Biographical Info Latin American Writers (3 volumes) * Comprehensive analysis of the writer’s career and works * Concentrates on the critical reception of the writer’s works * Provides selected bibliographies of author's works * List of biographical and critical studies for further research Paper format only
I. Book Resources for Criticism Books ABOUT author = SubjectSubject
II.Online Resource for Criticism and Biographical Info Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online NAMED AUTHOR Basic Search by NAMED AUTHOR neruda, pablo neruda, pablo neruda, pablo Biographical and critical insight into the author’s works
Poetry Criticism Poetry Criticism (Gale) II. Online Resource for Criticism using the Romance Languages Subject Guide Provides link ‘Titles Discussed’ Provides additional resources
Consists of bibliographic records pertaining to literature, language, linguistics, and folklore. Includes citations to articles from over 3000 journals and series published internationally, as well as monographs, collections, and various types of reference works., From results page – use filters to limit search
From results page – use filters to limit search Select obvious filters to narrow the number of results Peer-reviewed Journal article Language Results with Limits
Additional filter – limit by Author’s work Select: Canto general (1943)
Don’t shy away from ‘book articles’ Results with Book Limits Remember FIND IT button DO NOT show book holdings ‘Go the extra mile’.... When looking for books at Falvey
There is one more step.... to ‘ownership’ Click Link CATALOG SEARCH (Title)CATALOG SEARCH (Title) Surprise! We own it!!