1 Dr. Shih-Shin Chen Business Psychology Dept. Health Care Management NTUNHS
Defining OBBehavioral outcomes A field of study that investigate the impact that individual, groups, and organizational structure have on behavioral outcome within organizations Productivity Absenteeism Turnover Deviant ( 越軌的 ) workplace behavior Organizational citizenship ( 組織公民行 為 ) Job satisfaction 3
4 video:
5 Video:
HRM is the process of Acquiring ( 取得 ), training, appraising ( 評核 ), and compensating ( 酬報 ) employees attending to ( 照顧 ) their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns 7
Two well-trained interviewers interviewed 98 job applicants and rated them, all were video taped 8
The interview tapes were edited down to 15 seconds showing the applicants entering the room shaking hands with interviewers sitting down 9
10 Another group rated the applicants just on the 15- second clip Their ratings of the applicants correlated strongly ( 顯著的相關 ) with the two interviewers’ results
11 Due to stereotyping ( 刻板印象 ) and halo effect ( 月暈效 應 ), the interviewers have made up their mind by the time the interviewee has settled into a chair
The questions and answers that follow are a way of convincing both that some rational basis exists for a hiring decision 12
15 Context Competitors Customers Company Collaborators
16 1. 剛果的愛滋病盛行 率及其嚴重度 ? 2. 剛果公民為何不喜 歡使用公益團體所 捐贈的保險套 ? 3. 本演講的意涵與啟 示 ? 討論提綱
18 The arrow from A to Z represents that the website sells everything from A to Z, and doubles as a “smile” to suggest satisfied customers.
19 Hope for Africa Children Initiative
元平設計 21
本標誌是以「十字」為基本 造型,「十字」是醫護的象 徵,很清楚的表達出標誌的 視覺意義。 22
在「十字」的造型內,可以 看到一個人在握著舞動的光 芒,代表著醫護 ( 健康事業 ) 管 理系是以人為本位,結合菁 英份子及專業人才,集中智 慧,不斷追求理想,掌握未 來,舞出朝氣與光熱。 23
醫護 ( 健康事業 ) 管理系標誌的 主色系是鮮艷的藍色,藍色 代表著理想、創新及無遠弗 屆的求知領域。 24
26 $4.00
Help ® Pharmaceutical Product and Packaging Design What they promise Less drug Less dye Less confusion Less waste Less greed 27
The study and practice of how human behavior can be modified to prevent and treat physical and mental illness Behavioral medicine Rising demand for health psychologiest 30
People accept what they perceive to be a certain level of risk to their health, safety, and other things of value in exchange for the benefits they hope to receive 31
Application in Workplace Teaching relaxation techniques to reduce stress Help employees overcome self-defeating ( 不利於己的 ) behaviors such as food disorders, alcohol abuse, tobacco use, risky lifestyle or addictive behavior (IAD) Help to increase participation in health programs 34
35 onthemenu Nutrition program onoff Tobacco Cessation program onthemove Physical activity program onbalance Stress Management program
The problematic use of the Internet, such as: on-line games on-line shopping internet gambling internet infidelity ( 不貞 ) internet sex and pornography ( 色情 ) social network apps (e.g., Facebook, Line, Weibo, etc.) 36 Encyclopedia of Mental DisordersMental Disorders
37 Internet use is a form of “process addiction” rather than “substance addiction” such that it interferes ( 妨礙 ) with their daily functioning social life school work job-related tasks
Preoccupied with the Internet Feel the need to use the Internet with increasing amounts of time Unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use Feel restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use 39 1.Preoccupied with the Internet 2.Feel the need to use the Internet with increasing amounts of time 3.Unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use
40 4.Feel restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use 5.Repeatedly stay online longer than originally intended
41 6Jeopardized or risked the loss of significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the Internet
42 7Lied to significant others to conceal your involvement with the Internet 8Use the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or of bad mood
Scores#Description 20-49You are an average on-line user You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet Your Internet usage is causing significant problems in your life 43
44 What do psychologists do?