SSE SAS Project: Snow Cover Map Service SSE Workshop 2009 María José Guerrero, Gorka J Lendrino, Rosana Romero ESRIN-Italy / 10 November 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

SSE SAS Project: Snow Cover Map Service SSE Workshop 2009 María José Guerrero, Gorka J Lendrino, Rosana Romero ESRIN-Italy / 10 November 2009

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November INDEX 01 Indra Espacio 02 Snow Cover Map Service  Service features: description  Using the Snow Cover Map Service:  Inputs  Workflow (how service works)  Outputs  Service problems  Service present&future 04 Conclusions  Learned lessons  Benefits using SSE

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November 2009 REMOTE SENSING Indra offers solutions in the field of remote sensing, using optical and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) observation satellites. Earth Observation Systems  Reception  Processing  Generation  Archiving  Exploitation Applications  Natural and technological risks.  Urbanism and land management.  Natural resources and environment.  Security and defence. Satellite images Indra Espacio 3

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November INDEX 01 Indra Espacio 02 Snow Cover Map Service  Service features: description  Using the Snow Cover Map Service:  Inputs  Workflow (how service works)  Outputs  Service problems  Service present&future 04 Conclusions  Learned lessons  Benefits using SSE

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November 2009 INDRA Experience over Snow Cover Maps Snow Cover Map Service Indra Snow Cover Map service  Indra Espacio is working on snow cover monitoring since 2001 (NOAA, MODIS since 2005)  Operational daily service for the Water Basin Authorities of Tajo ( ) and Ebro ( ) Rivers  Water Basin Authorities are public organisations with the mandate to regulate the water flow in the rivers under their responsibility.  They typically run a model capable to make predictions of water flow in the rivers.  One of the key inputs for this model is the estimation of the surface covered by snow. The integration of this information within the model makes feasible a few days forecast of the water flow.

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Snow Cover Map Generation (previous to SSE project) Snow Cover Map Service AOI ERDAS script Raster to vector MODIS Images from NASA Snow Cover Map

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Snow Cover Map Service on SSE PORTAL Snow Cover Map Service MEEOINDRA SSE PORTAL Snow Cover Map Service MODIS HDF Access Service Chaining basic services into a complex one Snow Cover Map Generation

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Snow Cover Map Service SNOW COVER MAP SERVICE SNOW COVER MAP Subscription (BPEL WORKFLOW) MODIS HDF Access SNOW COVER MAP Generation Fully automatic! SSE permits to implement the service as a fully automatic processing chain: user provides the input to the service and he will obtain the snow cover maps when the service processes the input data ” “ Input data  AOI  Init – end date Output data  Raster image  Log file Snow Cover Map Service on SSE PORTAL

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Service framework into SSE Snow Cover Map Service MEEO INDRA SSE PORTAL Order Service Processing TOOLBOX SSE PORTAL WORKFLOW SYSTEM SOAP SSE PORTAL SOAP MODIS catalogue

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November INDEX 01 Indra Espacio 02 Snow Cover Map Service  Service features: description  Using the Snow Cover Map Service:  Inputs  Workflow (how service works)  Outputs  Service problems  Service present&future 04 Conclusions  Learned lessons  Benefits using SSE

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Snow Cover Map features Snow Cover Map Service  Snow Cover Map Service is included in the Thematic Services – Hydrology category of SSE portal: = =  Snow Cover Map Service provides a subscription for the delivery of snow cover maps of an area previously selected by the user using MODIS images.  MODIS HKM 500 Mts  MODIS QKM 250 Mts  Service asynchronous: not wait until the order has finished Snow Cover Map into SSEAutomatic Processing!!

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Snow Cover Map features Snow Cover Map Service  Availability of the service for every part of the world.  Snow cover Maps available in 32 hrs from the selected day  Users: Water Basin Authorities, Hydroelectric power companies and countries like Spain, Italy, North European countries (where snow is permanent in some areas) and those very close to Alps and South American. Snow Cover Map into SSEAutomatic Processing!!

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November INDEX 01 Indra Espacio 02 Snow Cover Map Service  Service features: description  Using the Snow Cover Map Service:  Inputs  Workflow (how service works)  Outputs  Service problems  Service present&future 04 Conclusions  Learned lessons  Benefits using SSE

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Snow Cover Map Service Input data: order creation CALENDAR TOOL: init date - end date (subscription) AOI: Selected area

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Snow Cover Map Workflow Snow Cover Map Service START Init> current WAIT PROCESSING ERROR TREAT ERROR INIT+1 END SUSBSCRI PTION END yes no yes no yes Init -end actions decisions

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Snow Cover Map: Processing Chain Download the MODIS images Import each band of the MODIS products and transform to geotiff format (using swath tool from MODIS) Stack all geotiff bands in one file Cut out MODIS images using an AOI Calculation of NDSI and NDVI Extraction of snow cover in geotiff Snow Cover Map Service

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Output data Snow Cover Map Service FTP User, pass and Adress

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Order Information Output data Snow Cover Map Service Daily orders

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November INDEX 01 Indra Espacio 02 Snow Cover Map Service  Service features: description  Using the Snow Cover Map Service:  Inputs  Workflow (how service works)  Outputs  Service problems  Service present&future 04 Conclusions  Learned lessons  Benefits using SSE

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November SERVICE PROBLEMS DURING THE PROJECT Snow Cover Map Service  Development Incompatibility of BPEL tool versions with SSE environment Due to Toolbox 6.0 stability the service or Toolbox were re- installed several times All problems were solved.  Service Snow Cover Maps over the WMV were not supported at Test Portal  migration of the service to operational Portal for testing, according to SSE team. Snow Cover Maps were shown only the first time over the WMV (modifications in WMV by SSE team) Some MODIS datasets covering high latitudes were not managed properly  added restrictions over the AOI selection

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November INDEX 01 Indra Espacio 02 Snow Cover Map Service  Service features: description  Using the Snow Cover Map Service:  Inputs  Workflow (how service works)  Outputs  Service problems  Service present&future 04 Conclusions  Learned lessons  Benefits using SSE

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Service Present & Future Snow Cover Map Service  Access to new users The Istanbul Teknik Universitesia (21st of May). Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente (IREA-CNR) (12th of June) The National Centre of Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS" (24th of October)  Service improvements Service will be migrated to TOOLBOX 7.1  Competitive advantage for the company Improvement of company solution portfolio for water/snow solutions (competitive tenders at national level)

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November INDEX 01 Indra Espacio 02 Snow Cover Map Service  Service features: description  Using the Snow Cover Map Service:  Inputs  Workflow (how service works)  Outputs  Service problems  Service present&future 04 Conclusions  Benefits using SSE  Learned lessons

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November Benefits of the integration into SSE  Production of the snow cover maps is an automatic process.  Contact with a major number of new users.  Improved portfolio is now more attractive to user. Snow Cover Map Service

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November  Achieved of significant experience in the integration of complex services (subscription and chaining).  Chaining with others companies as MEEO is much easier using SSE.  SSE support (Wiki area) is an useful way of communications.  Web Map Viewer is an useful tool for showing final products. Snow Cover Map Service Learned Lessons

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November SUGGESTIONS  More documentation about BPEL is needed. Also tutorials would be appreciated.  BPEL process manager at SSE should be upgraded.  More information about errors detected in the BPEL console and Toolbox should be provided.  Toolbox stability is sometimes limited. (unexpected errors  re-install Toolbox)  Web Map Viewer can not manage large images (4 Mb).  WMV should permit to export final products to.kmz file Snow Cover Map Service

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November 2009 VIDEO Snow Cover Map Service

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November QUESTIONS Snow Cover Map Service Questions??

SSE SAS project: Snow Cover Maps service/ SSE Workshop ESRIN-Italy / 10 November María José Guerrero Gorka J. Lendrino Rosana Romero Remote Sensing Systems