- Towards the inclusive future classroom Bringing together SENnet, the SNE Working Group, ICT4IAL, iTEC Brussels, 28 May 2014
Today’s acronyms SENnet partners EUN SNE WG ICT4IAL iTEC EUN MoEs 15 countries Policy, schools, industry, support, research, universities, agencies
SENnet Partners in AT, BE, DK, EE, IT, PT, TR supporting the use of technology to improve access for learners with SEN Activities –Research: finding and sharing good practice, e.g. video clips –Digital learning resources: improving access and discoverability –Teacher education: online ‘learning episodes’ –Peer networking: study visits
“Making learning accessible” SENnet provides information and support for those working to develop the use of technology to improve access for school age learners with special needs Issues addressed: –Effective strategies in mainstream schools –Improving access to resources –Raising teacher awareness and capacity
SENnet activities Practical guides, studies and videos –Universal Design for Learning –Innovation reports, e.g. Digital games and inclusion Access to digital resources Online course modules for teachers –e.g. Accessible Open Educational Resources Peer learning activities –Case studies and classroom experiences –Visits to Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Portugal, Estonia Network building
Principles and practice Promoting access to information and knowledge as a human right Irmgarda Kasinskaite, UNESCO Communication and Information Directorate Accessibility and differentiation: Denmark’s ICT strategy Lone Ring, UNI-C, Denmark Good practice in accessible information Marcella Turner-Cmuchal and Klara Somogyi, European Agency for Inclusion and Special Needs Education
Access to text, video and images Introduction Bernhard Heinser, DAISY Consortium Essential steps and checklists Roger Blamire, European Schoolnet
Text Give text a structure by using pre-defined styles for headings and body text offered by the software used Left align text instead of using block text Use the simplest language appropriate for the document. Give tables row and column headers Use ‘Bullets and Numbering’ functions for lists Use a Sans-Serif font e.g. Arial, Helvetica or Verdana
Audio, video, images Audio and video recordings –Provide a text equivalent, e.g. a transcript, captions, a description of what is taking place –Ensure it can be paused by the user and volume adjusted –Include visual equivalents to audio alerts Images –Provide alternative text, a description that shares the same message as the actual image –Use high contrast colours between text and background –Don’t hide links or text behind other objects such as images –Avoid backgrounds with too many images, shapes or colours.
Printed documents Provide large print versions of the selected document Provide an electronic copy of the file as an alternative Use 12 or 14 font or larger Use sans serif fonts
Electronic documents Specify the language of the document –Under ‘properties’ Tag the document to give it structure –In Adobe Acrobat 8 and 9, choose Advanced>Accessibility>Add Tags to Document. Provide descriptions for form fields Fill in metadata to help users find your information Use the accessibility checker offered by Adobe –A simple check before sharing the document Use up to date versions of software to create a PDF –Newer software versions include more up to date accessibility features
Presentations Text –Large sans serif fonts –Simplest language appropriate –‘Bullets and Numbering’ for lists Image –Provide alternative text –Avoid links hidden behind other objects such as images –Use high contrast colours between text and background –Avoid backgrounds with too many images, shapes or colours Audio, video clips –Provide a text equivalent Design and layout –Use slide layouts offered by the software
The future classroom?
iTEC scenarios
Inclusion and SEN Inclusion is about the child’s right to participate and the school’s duty to accept the child Special educational needs include learning disabilities, communication disabilities, emotional and behavioural disorders, physical disabilities and developmental disabilities
Access to the future classroom Improving access to the Future Classroom Lab: ICT4IAL equipment –Terry Waller, UK expert and Katja Engelhardt, EUN
Access to online information and learning content Improving discoverability Elena Shulman, EUN Access to web sites and interactive elements: practical steps David Sabaté, TOTHOMweb
Reflections Reflections on the day and key issues Sal McKeown, UK expert and writer
Going further Classroom ideas, advice: sennet.eun.org sennet.eun.org Facebook: facebook.com/groups/SEN network/ facebook.com/groups/SEN network/ Project ref LLP BE-COMENIUS- CNW Duration: 36 months to November 2014 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.