Explanation of the last paragraphs of the essay To understand the last two paragraphs (refutation and conclusion paragraph) of this essay, you must first understand what a refutation paragraph is: Refutation or Refute means to disprove or prove false. Up until this point, your essay’s body paragraphs have supported why you are for or against your particular issue.
Explanation Continued Now you must bring up the things the other side may say and refute (prove false) their claims in a paragraph response. If you are for your issue, you are a proponent, so in your refutation paragraph, you will be referring to the opponents of your issue. If you are against your issue, you are an opponent, so in your refutation paragraph, you will be referring to the proponents of your issue. Review your points for and against your issue to get more ideas for the refutation. Use action verbs to refer to your opponent or proponent like believe, claim, etc. In addition, do not criticize your opponent or proponent. Refer to their claims as untrue, unfair, illogical, unimportant, or irrelevant. Afterward, move on to the conclusion where you can give advice, give a call to action, refer to something in the introduction, or something you may have forgotten to discuss in the body of the paragraph, etc. (see my notes on writing an conclusion).
Technology Usage In the Classroom and On Campus English 1301 HCC – Northwest – Westgate Mrs. N. Puder
What is the Issue? Technology Use In The Classroom and Around It
Part 1: Issue What are the pro’s and con’s of technology usage in classroom and on campus?
Pro’s Convenience Connects Professors to Students Connects Students With Technology Records Lectures Prepares Students for the Global World Which Is Wired Analyzes Music Gives Lesson Practice
Con’s Less Face To Face Contact Cost – To Student and University Distraction Cheating Tool – Plagiarism Makes Students Lazy Evidence Not Given That Students Are More Marketable
Part 2: Position Do you believe technology in the classroom and used around it enhance learning or distract student learning.? Yes or No Only – Don’t Ride The Fence Yes
Part 3: Thesis Statement Formulate an Argumentative Thesis Technology in the classroom and around it allows students to stay current with notes and assignments, to communicate with professors and students, to record lectures, and to receive exposure to technology.
Part 4: Outline Create an Outline of Your Paper
Sample Outline I. Introduction A. Statistic B. Importance of Issue C. Thesis: Technology in the classroom and around it allows students to stay current with assignments, to communicate with professors and students, to record lectures, and to receive exposure to technology.
Outline Continued II. Stay Current With Assignments A. Access to Daily Notes B. Access To Inactive Web Help C. Review for Quizzes and Tests III. Communicate with Prof. & Students A. Due To Absences B. With Important Assign Questions C. With Students and Group Projects
Outline Continued IV. Record Lectures A. Biology, Political Science, Etc. B. A Plus for Learning Disabilities C. Music Classes V. Receive Exposure To Technology A. Software Programs like Word and PowerPoint Etc. B. and Discussion Groups C. Internet Research VI. Refutation Paragraph A. Cost B. Face-To-Face Contact C. Distraction VII. Conclusion
Sample Introduction W/Thesis “ Embrace the Future” “About 80% of colleges had wireless networks covering at least part of their campuses in 2004, up from 30% in 2000, a CCP survey says.” Furthermore, “about 20% have made their entire campuses Wi-Fi bubbles.” This statistic illustrates the importance of technology in colleges today, and a valuable decision it is. Technology by way of the Internet, , laptops, iPods, and cell phones are important tools needed for the 21st century students. If students are not able to master these types of technology before they entire the workplace, they will be behind. It is the colleges’ responsibility as the educator of students to provide this type of technology. This technology enhances student learning in the classroom and around it. It allows students to stay current with assignments, communicate with professors, record lectures, and receives exposure to technology.
Paragraph #2 Technology in the classroom and around it allow students to stay current with assignments. If a student is unable to take all the notes in class, she can check her professor’s web page to get the notes she missed. Furthermore, she can access interactive web links to understand concepts from class better and even practice them if necessary. Moreover, she can access vital information for quizzes and tests.
Body Paragraphs Paragraph 3 – Com. w/Prof & Students Paragraph 4 - Record Lectures Paragraph 5 - Exposure To Technology
Refutation Paragraph # 6 Opponents of technology in the classroom believe it is too costly to students and colleges. There is some validity to this claim; however, a bigger picture has to be viewed. The cost of technology has to be weighed with what it provides for students, a future where they can go out into the world and compete and succeed. Other opponents of technology maintain technology in the classroom and around it decrease face-to-face communication. This statement is untrue. Professors can still schedule conferences with students to improve communication, and because is the preferred form of communication for students, there is more communication not less. Still other opponents of communication see it as a distraction and a cheating tool. Well, all new forms of communication can be a distraction if not used properly, but through professors’ monitoring (when and where to use the technology) valid use of the technology can happen. Also, with harsh penalties for cheating and constant enforcement, cheating can decrease.