- To Kill a Mockingbird introduction The Sneetches - Identifying theme - To Kill a Mockingbird introduction
Theme Themes can be divided into two categories: a work's thematic concept is what readers "think the work is about” i.e. racism, growing up, understanding others its thematic statement being "what the work says about the subject” The moral of the story, the message the author is giving about: racism, growing up, or understanding others
What is the theme of... Cinderella? A poor girl is taken advantage of by her cruel stepsisters. But even though the sisters are mean, Cinderella works hard and never complains. She winds up marrying very well and becoming a princess.
What is the theme of... Cinderella? Good things happen to good people. Good conquers evil. You should be nice and submissive, even when you’re being mistreated. The only way for a woman to find fulfillment is by marrying someone wealthy. Which of these do you think are themes of this story?
The theme is directly stated. Identifying theme Wilma Rudolph was an athlete who had a difficult childhood. After she came down with scarlet fever and double pneumonia at the age of four, she could not use her left leg. She learned to walk again at age seven and ran in races when she was twelve. Later, she won gold medals running in the Olympics. Wilma’s life is proof that if people try hard enough, they can overcome great handicaps. 1. What is the message, or theme, in this paragraph? 2. Which sentence from the paragraph states the theme? The theme is directly stated.
https://youtu.be/PdLPe7XjdKc The Sneetches https://youtu.be/PdLPe7XjdKc What is a message, or theme, of this cartoon? What does this story say about people in general? In what ways does it remind you of people you have known or experiences you have had? Use examples from the story to explain your thinking.