How might people do more harm than good when trying to help or comfort others? What do people really need when going through a difficult time?
Job could make no sense of what was happening. All he knew was that everyone, including God, seemed to have abandoned him. His “friends,” as ignorant as he, only made things worse. In today’s lesson we will see what Job clung to for hope.
Why Is This Happening? Job 19:1-27 family theme: When God Doesn’t Sense family theme: When God Doesn’t Sense
Know: Job did not understand why such terrible things happened to him. Yet he continued in his faith that God would redeem him and one day he would see God. Objectives:
Think: Realize that although we don’t always understand what God is doing, we can be confident He understands and all things fit into His plan. Do: Trust in God in spite of the chaos, knowing that even though you don’t understand everything life throws your way, He does. Objectives:
Sometimes It Can Feel Like Everything, Including God, Is Against Us Job 19:1-20
The story of Job demonstrates that bad things happen to good people, not necessarily because of their own sin, but because the world is a sinful place.
Sometimes It Can Feel Like Everything, Including God, Is Against Us Strangely, God seemed absent. Job saw no way to proceed. He felt deeply the loss of honor and respect. Verse 11 indicates that Job assumed God counted him as an enemy.
When things fall apart and do not make sense, understand that we cannot see the whole picture. When have you gone through a difficult time when things didn’t seem to make sense?
When things fall apart and do not make sense, understand that we cannot see the whole picture. How does it help to know we cannot see the whole picture, and that God is in control?
Reach Out to People for Help, But Realize Their Limitations Job 19:21-22
Reach Out to People for Help, But Realize Their Limitations Job needed pity from those who were supposed to be his friends. People often need pity, sympathy, or compassion more than they need an ethical discourse or lesson.
Reach out to people you trust when God doesn’t make sense, but do not expect them to fix everything or have all the answers. How should we respond when those to whom we have reached out are not able to correct the situation or quickly make things better?
Reach out to people you trust when God doesn’t make sense, but do not expect them to fix everything or have all the answers. How should we respond when we perceive that our efforts to help someone who is suffering have perhaps made things worse instead of better?
Do Not Abandon Your Confidence In God Job 19:23-27
Job’s appeal for a mediator/redeemer reminds us, we need a Savior.
Do Not Abandon Your Confidence In God Job would find no justice among his friends, family, servants, and acquaintances. Yet his Redeemer would judge the world.
Keep the faith that your Redeemer lives and you will one day stand before Him. How has God shown Himself trustworthy to you in the past? How does that help you trust Him now?
Keep the faith that your Redeemer lives and you will one day stand before Him. How does it help us to know that our Redeemer lives and that we will see Him one day?
How can it help us to remember that we can’t see the big picture; that there is more going on than we can see or understand?
Who could you call upon for help or encouragement when going through difficult times, understanding that they can’t necessarily fix things?
How does difficulty help reveal the strength of our faith and trust in God? How can we remain strong in our faith when going through difficult times?
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