CQC’s New Inspection Approach
Learning objectives: A reminder of who the CQC are and what they do To build up an understanding of the CQC’s new approach, including: The 5 key questions the CQC will ask How the CQC will make their judgements What CQC inspections will look like What will happen after a CQC inspection
Who are the CQC and what do they do? Link to CQC’s video:
An overview of the CQC’s new approach
CQC Comprehensive Inspections Comprehensive inspections will be announced Core services to be inspected CQC inspection teams will prepare for the inspection by analysing data from a range of sources Will contact the provider prior to the inspection with a specific list of information they need CQC inspectors may return unannounced during the two weeks after the inspection to explore further or to confirm their findings
CQC Comprehensive Inspections – So what does that mean for SHFT Have been informed - CQC will be inspecting us from 6 th – 10 th October Will include all health & social care services (MH, LD, ASDs, Children’s & TQ21) Core services to be inspected Inpatient wards (all wards), community services (sampling approach) & Social Care (sampling of homes, domiciliary and supported living services) CQC have already requested data from us –10days to respond Info requested to-date: organisation charts (lines of accountability & reporting); list of all services – locations, what they do, contacts, opening times etc.; performance data; Board papers; policies; SIRIs; Complaints; audit reports Further requests for more detailed info will come over next few weeks & months
5 key questions the CQC will ask Is the service Safe? Is the service Effective? Is the service Caring? Is the service Responsive (to people’s needs?) Is the service Well-led?
How the CQC will make their judgements Will be looking for ‘Good’ CQC have defined the characteristics of good and have Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs) to direct the focus of the inspection
How the CQC will make their judgements Inspection teams will use evidence from 4 main sources to answer the KLOEs
What will happen after the inspection? CQC award ratings on each of the five key questions This will help people to compare services
SHFT CQC Programme 1.Standardised approach across the trust – part of the trust Quality Programme Peer Reviews Self-assessments 2.Preparations for the inspection Information requests Communications - Internal & External Logistics – Listening Events, Focus Groups, Interviews, hospitality, community visits, signposting
Your time to Shine! CQC will want to see all the good things you and your team do. So ask yourself the following questions and discuss them with your team. You don’t want to forget something when they come to your service! –How good is the service we provide? –What are we proud of? –What do our services users like best about our service? –What quality improvements have we made in the team this year? –What innovations have we implemented? –What areas are we currently trying to improve and how?
For further information proach/ Tracey McKenzie – CQC Programme Manager Tel: / David Batchelor – CQC Programme Officer Tel:
Thank you Any questions?