THEME Description: The theme of a story is a life lesson or moral that can be applied to everyday life. Sentence: A theme of Cinderella is good things happen to good people.
TONE Description: Tone is the way the author expresses their attitude through their writing by using words to express emotions and feelings. Sentence: Using speech tags in dialogue can help create different tones in your writing.
COMPARE Description If you compare things, you identify ways that they are the same. Sentence Compare two texts by looking for things the authors did the same.
CONTRAST Description If you contrast things, you find the differences between them. Sentence To contrast two characters, find ways they are different.
MEMOIR Description A memoir is a text about the personal knowledge and/or experiences of the author. Sentence A personal narrative describes a single event while a memoir covers multiple events with a theme.
DEVELOP Description If you develop something, you work on it over a period of time, during which it grows and changes. Sentence When you are writing a narrative, use details to develop the plot, setting, and characters.
TRANSITIONS Description Transitions are words or phrases used by an author to help the reader progress from one idea to the next. Sentence Transitions are important to use in your writing in order to help your reader understand what is happening.
SEQUENCE Description When you write in sequence, you write what happens in the correct order. (Also known as sequential order) Sentence It is important to write narratives in sequence, so the reader understands what happens first and last.
RELEVANT Description If something is relevant, it makes sense and is connected to something else at that particular time. Sentence It is important to only include relevant details in your story.
CLAUSE Description A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb. Sentence Some clauses can stand alone as a complete sentence, while others cannot.