MVDC Collaboration MVDC Issues and Viability of Red Demo in Philadelphia
ESRDC Collaboration Purpose –Outline MVDC Issues identified by NSWC –Discuss Viability of Red MVDC Demonstration in Philadelphia –Understand Existing ESRDC Efforts in MVDC –Form Focus Areas for ESRDC/NSWC Collaboration Outcome –NSWC POC for each of the MVDC Efforts in place at ESRDC –Join Proposals to ONR for MVDC Studies –Align FY09 ESRDC Efforts and NSWC Interests –Team (ESRDC/NSWC) Analysis of Hardware Constraints/Possibilities Outline –MVDC Architectures –System Level Metrics –Risk Mitigation Plan –Hardware Demonstrations
ESRDC Collaboration MVDC Architectures –Existing efforts at ESRDC are focused on 2+2 (4) topologies for MVDC systems NSWC view – this is one of many options to be explored –Architecture Efforts Should Coincide with accepted NAVSEA Early Ship Design tools (ASSET/LEAPS) –Notional Ship Concept to be provided by MIT DC Distribution Issues –Solid State Breakers –Power Electronics Based –Hybrid »SBIR Topic Initiated in this Area – If approved will be in FY09.2 listing Driven by Interface Specifications –Quality of Power at MVDC distribution level – Force loads to adhere to specification, or incorporate system components that would provide Type X power level »Define Type X Power Connection of Electrical System Architectures with Notional Ship Naval Architectures –Proposed Collaboration – Incorporate NAVSEA accepted toolsets into the existing ESRDC architecture evaluation efforts
ESRDC Collaboration System Metrics –Accepted Mission Effectiveness metrics not available –Development of Electrical System metrics must coincide with impact to overall mission –Electrical System metric definitions Stability of mixed AC/DC systems – Approach/Thresholds/Interface Specification Distribution Voltage Metrics – Approach/Thresholds/Interface Specification –Proposed Collaboration – Extract mission impacts and relationships to electrical system definitions
ESRDC Collaboration Risk Mitigation Plan –MVDC Demonstrations seen as way to de-risk MVDC for NAVSEA Identify common Risk areas – ONR and NAVSEA –ONR »DC Bus Regulation »DC Fault protection »DC System control »DC System stability »DC Energy Storage »DC System isolation & grounding »DC Load-centric power management techniques »Thermal Management –NAVSEA (shipyard study) »Commonality with AC and availability of sensors for DC »DC Breaker/ Protection and Isolation System »DC Bulk Power Conversion »DC Switching Requirements »DC Bus Stability »DC Minimal industrial Base »DC Engineering and Design Standards, Requirements and Practices »DC Shore Power Interface »DC Bus Overvoltage Transient Stability »DC Ground Isolation Currents »DC Test Capability Infrastructure is Limited »DC System Integration Experience is Limited »Potential Inability of High Voltage DC System to Foster a Fault Tolerant Motor Topology »Risks Associated with Alternate HVDC System Architecture Without Circuit Breakers
ESRDC Collaboration Risk Mitigation Plan –Once Common Risks are Identified How do discriminate between Risks that can be Addressed via M&S and Risks that need Hardware Demonstrations or Both Common Risk Assessment Metric What risks are addressed in Red and then in Black demonstrations To what level do M&S efforts de-risk areas of concern Align M&S efforts with hardware demonstration efforts –M&S Efforts should reflect hardware properties/constants/parameters –Potential Collaboration – Align NAVSEA risk areas with each of the MVDC M&S Efforts at ESRDC and Agree to common Risk Assessment metric
ESRDC Collaboration Hardware Demonstrations –Following initial rationale for Red/Black Demonstrations – Initial target is Red Demonstration (extracted from ONR Brief)
ESRDC Collaboration Hardware Demonstrations –Assumptions FY10 timeframe dictates that Red Demo will have to utilize existing facilities. Timeline does not permit use of contracting vehicles for new equipment acquisition or existing equipment alterations –Most Viable Test Site Candidate for Red Demonstration High Speed Generator Test Facility
ESRDC Collaboration Hardware Demonstrations –High Speed Generator Test Facility Purpose – Full Power testing of two candidate High Speed Generators being developed by ONR/NAVSEA (DRS and Curtiss-Wright). Initial Configuration Prime Mover Passive Rectifier HSG Prime Mover AC/DC Load Banks 5.5kV DC 14MVA 2Q Motor Drive Motor Utility Feed – 13.8kV MTG Feed – 14MVA
ESRDC Collaboration Hardware Demonstrations –NAVSEA Upgrades –Timeline – FY09 –Options for DC/DC Conversion Conversion of existing 500KW unit to DC/DC converter – $? Incorporation of CPC Technologies (?) Passive Rectifier HSG Prime Mover 4160V AC Load Banks 5.5kV DC 6.25MW Motor Drive Jan FebMarAprMayJunJulAug Sep Original Conf. Full Testing Upgraded Conf. HSG Arrival/SetupFull Testing Arrival Motor Drive
ESRDC Collaboration Hardware Demonstrations –Issues with Existing Facility to Support Red Demo Dynamics of facility do not adequately represent shipboard system dynamics –Inertia of Motor Drive tandem compared to Inertia of Gas Turbine –Passive Rectifier on HSG Output –2Q Motor Drive Limits Capabilities on Prime Mover Side –Resistive Load Banks –How to Proceed Risk Mitigation Plan should reflect issues associated with the hardware configuration and outline system limitations What areas can be de-risked in this hardware configuration