Do Now: In your scrapbooks, write your response to the hateful graffiti ( ‘ fuck a jew ’ ) written in the men ’ s restroom last week: --Why do you think someone in our community put up such a hurtful expression? --How do you think in makes Jewish people in our community feel? How does it make you feel? --Consider how this idea/sentiment relates to what happened during the Holocaust. --How does this kind of Hateful Language affect us all?
Write an ‘Un-Hateful’ Message that we can put on the wall.
Humanity The quality, condition, or fact of being humane: benevolence. We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race. -Kofi Annan (Ghanaian diplomat, seventh secretary-general of the United Nations, 2001 Nobel Peace Prize.)We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.Ghanaian
FINAL ANALYSIS: In your scrapbook, explain how Chaim Prinzental’s letters illustrate the following quotation: “…I’m only sure of one thing--nobody knows themselves. The nice person on the street, you ask him, “Where is North Street?” and he goes with you half a block and shows you, and is nice and kind. That same person in a different situation could be the worst sadist…All of us could be good people or bad people in these different situations.”
Homework Due Next Class: Write a two page letter to Chaim in response to his letters. –You may respond as his children (Jacob or Erna) –You may respond as yourself Consider these questions as you write your letter: What would I have done in his situation? What is courage? What conditions might break my resolve? What are my values?