Universal Declaration on Archives – A tool to improve understanding and awareness 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Universal Declaration on Archives – A tool to improve understanding and awareness 1

Presentation Summary Genesis and origins of the Universal Declaration on Archives (UDA) History of its development Challenges Importance of UNESCO’s endorsement Aims of the UDA The Declaration Promotion and advocacy Ideas for promoting the UDA in your region 2

Genesis/Origins of the UDA Inspired by the Quebec Declaration on Archives In 2007 the International Council on Archives (ICA) directed the Section of Professional Associations (SPA) to prepare a Universal Declaration on Archives following the model of the Quebec Declaration. An international working group was established in

Development of the UDA : The working group consulted stakeholders and developed a draft document; a visual identity and list of promotion ideas. November 2009: The document was presented to ICA AGM in Malta – adopted in principle pending further investigations. Unanimously adopted at the 2010 ICA AGM in Oslo Adopted in Paris by the 36 th Session of the General Conference of UNESCO, 10 November

Challenges - Multilingual, multicultural, multi traditional - Strove for balance – achieve middle ground Many archival traditions Many political realities Many competing expectations Different locations along the recordkeeping continuum Approach - To be succinct, focus on higher aspirations - Guided by awareness that primary audience was outside profession 5

Importance of UNESCO’s endorsement In endorsing UDA, UNESCO cited: other powerful statements and activities concerning knowledge and information such as the Charter on the Preservation of Digital Memory & Memory of the World Program UNESCO own constitution Declaration of Human Rights Member states encouraged by UNESCO to be guided by the principles set out in the UDA when planning and implementing future strategies and programmes nationally 6

Aims of the UDA Secure global understanding and acceptance of the purpose, value and scope of archives and archivists Promote role of archives in: –Securing a whole range of human rights –Establishing collective memory –Underpinning accountable and transparent government Explain the uniqueness of activities and why they need to be managed by adequately trained professional archivists Encourage the use of archives Call to action, seeks engagement in archival issues by government, decision makers and the general public (archives are about you) 7

Universal Declaration on Archives: Preamble Archives record decisions, actions and memories. Archives are a unique and irreplaceable heritage passed from one generation to another. Archives are managed from creation to preserve their value and meaning. They are authoritative sources of information underpinning accountable and transparent administrative actions. They play an essential role in the development of societies by safeguarding and contributing to individual and community memory. Open access to archives enriches our knowledge of human society, promotes democracy, protects citizens' rights and enhances the quality of life. 8

The Declaration To this effect we recognize….. The unique quality of archives as authentic evidence of administrative, cultural and intellectual activities and as a reflection of the evolution of societies; The vital necessity of archives for supporting business efficiency, accountability and transparency, for protecting citizen’s rights, for establishing individual and collective memory, for understanding the past, and for documenting the present to guide future actions; The diversity of archives in recording every area of human activity; 9

The Declaration To this effect we recognize….. The multiplicity of formats in which archives are created including paper, electronic, audio visual and other types The role of archivists as trained professionals with initial and continuing education, serving their societies by supporting the creation of records and by selecting, maintaining and making these records available for use The collective responsibility of all – citizens, public administrators and decision-makers, owners or holders of public or private archives, and archivists and other information specialists – in the management of archives. 10

The Declaration We therefore undertake to work together in order that..... appropriate national archival policies and laws are adopted and enforced the management of archives is valued and carried out competently by all bodies, private or public, which create and use archives in the course of conducting their business adequate resources are allocated to support the proper management of archives, including the employment of trained professionals 11

The Declaration We therefore undertake to work together in order that..... archives are managed and preserved in ways that ensure their authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability archives are made accessible to everyone, while respecting the pertinent laws and the rights of individuals, creators, owners and users archives are used to contribute to the promotion of responsible citizenship. 12

Promotion & Advocacy UDA is intended to be used to : Explain archives and their relevance (promotion) Encourage pro-archive decision-making (advocacy) It can be used equally well by: Archival institutions (all levels) Collecting institutions Professional archival and records management associations Individuals, and in Workplaces 13

UDA in print 14

Text versions of various languages & scripts

Ideas for promoting the UDA in your region Engage governments, professional associations, institutions, individuals Use the UDA to open discussions about role and relevance of archives Have an official signing ceremony – endorsement by relevant institution or organization of the UDA - UDA was recently endorsed by the Catalan Parliament (Spain) Put the UDA on your website Post on your organization’s website Develop a web presence for the UDA, Facebook, send a tweet? Sign the UDA Register & encourage others to sign Institutions, associations & individuals can sign (virtually, or in local circumstances, a real register) 16

Ideas for promoting the UDA in your region Develop brochures, banners, merchandise, etc using the existing design Develop an e-postcard featuring the design Attach the design to footers etc ‘UDA across the world’ – photos of the UDA in front of significant landmarks Take pictures of groups or individuals holding the poster in front of parliament, archives, iconic places. Post these on the web Speak about the UDA at conferences, meetings – archival / information / historical 17

Ideas for promoting the UDA in your region Promotion through professional & cultural networks Genealogists, lawyers, educators Educational activities Encourage educators (archival and other) to incorporate UDA into curriculums Run UDA assignment competition for all levels of students – university, secondary and primary Use in International Archives Day promotions – 9 June 18

What can be done in your region? Over to you …… How do you think the UDA could be promoted in your region? For help and ideas, please contact the ICA Advocacy Expert Group. Updated in March