21/06/2016ASA-EG/ Warpenius1 ASA-EG-Tallinn Country Report Finland Katariina Warpenius
WHO Collaborating Centre on alcohol policy research and evaluation Department of Alcohol, Drugs and addiction, THL Systematizing alcohol policy measures in WHO member states Assessment of the impact of global strategy to reduce harmful use of alcohol Map policy system responses to reduce availability of alcoholic beverages Map different mechanisms to influence the pricing of alcoholic beverages Mapping and strengthening knowledge-based local and community prevention and research to reduce harmful use of alcohol 21/06/2016ASA-EG/ Warpenius2
Co-operation: EU-level projects Amphora/Alice-rap = > alcohol policy scales for comparing national alcohol policies, case studies from eastern Europe (Esa Österberg & Thomas Karlsson/Finland) and many other issues of policy relevance… AAA-prenvent: => Alcohol prevention Among Adolescence: (Area lead: Anna Markina / Estonia)? => BADY/ADBY project: the future? Co-operation with WHO CC? ICARA- a new international research association: Lisbon the 29 th and 30 th of September 21/06/2016ASA-EG/ Warpenius3
ALCOHOL POLICIES, CONSUMPTION AND RELATED HARM. CASE STUDIES FROM EASTERN EUROPE Moskalewicz, J. & Österberg, E. Introduction Razvodovsky, Y. Affordability of alcohol and alcohol-related problems in Belarus Belackova, V. & Stefunkova, M. Alcohol use and related harm in the period of societal transformation in Czech Republic Beekman, L. Alcohol policy in Estonia – country in transition Koos, T. Changes in Economic and Physical Availability of Alcohol – the case of Hungary Trapencieris, M. Changes in alcohol taxation and population incomes – the case of Latvia Štelemėkas, M. & Veryga, A. The effects of Lithuanian alcohol control policy Sierosławski, J. Impact of rapid decline in alcohol taxation in Poland: increase in overall consumption or shift from illicit to licit market Botescu, A. Alcohol policy developments in Romania Khaltourina, D & Gil, A The changes and effects of alcohol control policy in Russia and future prospects Krasovsky, K. Alcohol control policies and alcohol consumption in Ukraine in 1991–2011 Österberg, E. & Karlsson, T. Alcohol taxes in the European Union in 1995–2012 Moskalewicz, J. & Österberg, E. Summary 21/06/2016ASA-EG/ Warpenius4
News Yearbook of Alcohol and Drug Statistics 2012 will be published in the late fall => a sustainable monitoring protocol, available in the Internet Alcohol act will be be revised: The aim is to guarantee that the alcohol policy restrictions applied at the moment will continue => no liberalizations? (nor new restrictions?) Harms to others: a perspective that has increased in importance and policy relevance in Finland. => a book will be published in the near future Integrated view on alcohol, tobacco, gambling, illicit drugs… 21/06/2016ASA-EG/ Warpenius5
Alcohol: trends in Finland In 2011, the total consumption of alcoholic beverages increased slightly compared the previous year, being about 10 litres of pure alcohol per capita. Alcohol consumption is unevenly distributed in the population: the ten per cent of drinkers with the highest alcohol consumption account for nearly half of all alcohol consumed. The increase in alcohol harms has come to a stop and even begun to fall in some areas. In contrast to adults, alcohol use among young people in Finland has decreased and the proportion of young people abstaining from alcohol has increased in the past decade. Polarization – however… 21/06/2016ASA-EG/ Warpenius6
Total consumption of alcohol, litres of pure alcohol per capita in ,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12, Litres Lähteet: Alkoholijuomien kulutus. SVT. THL; Valvira. Total consumption
Drug situation Studies indicate that drug experimentation and use are at a much higher level today than in the 1990s. In the 2010 population survey, 17 per cent of 15−69-year-olds reported experimenting with cannabis at some time during their lifetime. On the population level, the increase in experimentation consists largely of cannabis; there has been no notable increase in experimentation with other drugs during the 2000s. 21/06/2016ASA-EG/ Warpenius8