Annual Spring Meeting April 26, :00pmWelcomeM. Everitt 7:05pmSteering Committee UpdateM. Everitt 7:15pmDCC UpdateD. Naftel/ S. Lenderman 7:30pmWeb Based Data Entry UpdateD. Naftel/ S. Lenderman 7:40pmDatabase Committee UpdateM. Richmond 7:55pmMATE Project OverviewC. Almond 8:00pmBreak 8:15pmPedimacs ReportD. Rosenthal 8:25pmFoundation UpdateR. Gajarski 8:35pmScientific Committee UpdateD. Hsu 8:45pmScientific Committee Sponsored WorkshopD. Hsu 9:35pmLimited Data Set Request SOPM. Everitt 9:40pmNew Business 10:00pmAdjournM. Everitt
AHA 2016 Meeting Update Established 2010 Rob Gajarski, MD, MHSA – Chair Craig Collum, MPH – Executive Director
2016 Board of Directors Officers: Robert Gajarski, MD, MHSA– Chairman Melanie Everitt, MD – Vice Chairman/Secretary Craig Collum, MPH – Executive Director At-Large Members: James Kirklin, MDRebecca Ameduri, MD William Mahle, MDMaryanne Chrisant, MD Aliessa Barnes, MDPatrick Gahan – Parent Rep Michael Carboni, MD Mike Paseornek – Parent Rep Mariah Strickland, RN ChairVice-Chair
2016 Highlights (As of 4/21/2016) Financial Support Received: $225,000 in Annual Dues Collections $16,350 in Private/Corporate Contributions $7,046 in Meeting Registration Fees $256,609 in In-Kind Contribution from UAB Net Income for 2016 Q1- $60, Booth at ISHLT Parent Representatives on the Board
Statement of Financial Position (As of 4/21/16) Assets PHTS Foundation Checking & Savings $ 157, PayPal Account $ 11, Total Assets $ 168, Liabilities & Equity Opening Balance Equity$ 135, Net Income$ 33, Total Liabilities & Equity$ 168,760.62
2016 Finances (As of 04/21/2016) IncomeHospital Dues$ 225, Private/Corporate Contributions $ 16, Meeting Registration Fees $ 7, UAB In-Kind Contribution$ 256, Total$ 505, Expenditures Labor (Salary + Fringe)$ 316, Business Expenses$ 2, WBDE System Maintenance$ 108, Travel & Meetings $ 14, Materials & Supplies$ 2, Total $ 444, Balance$ 60,312.36
Fundraising & Events Brittney Wilk, MA Development Director
Fundraising & Events Coast to Coast FUNdraiser with CPK Dine in, carry out, or cater at any of the TEN participating California Pizza Kitchen locations across the country on Wednesday, May 11 th, and 20% of your check will be donated to PHTS Foundation! Birmingham, AL - The Summit Denver, CO - Cherry Creek Atlanta, GA - Atlantic Station St. Louis, MO - St. Louis Galleria New York City, NY - Park Ave. South Dallas, TX- Berkshire Court Seattle, WA- Bellevue Chicago, IL – Ohio St. Boston, MA- Prudential Center Palo Alto, CA- Stanford Shopping Center
Fundraising & Events Coast to Coast FUNdraiser with CPK *Patrons must show the event flyer to their server for PHTS Foundation to receive the donated portion of their check. Event flyers can be displayed or printed from: -PHTS Foundation website -PHTS Foundation social media pages Event flyers have also been sent to PHTS participating centers near the 10 participating CPK locations to be posted and distributed and the flyer will also be e-blasted to the PHTS community. If you are in or near a participating city, or know folks who are, please help make this event a success by participating & sharing!
Fundraising & Events Sip & Shop with Kendra Scott Join Us for a Special Kendra Gives Back Party a fun shopping event with 20% of sales benefiting PHTS Foundation Friday, June 24 th | 5-8pm The Summit Shopping Center | Birmingham, AL enjoy bites and bubbly while you shop & the chance to win jewelry! *Call in orders during the event hours will be accepted for those who are unable to attend the event
Fundraising & Events Hearts After Dark A fun social & fundraising event benefiting pediatric heart transplant research, guests will enjoy beer & wine open bar, heavy hor d’oeuvres, and the opportunity to bid on items from a silent and live auction while enjoying the music of a live band at the fabulous Iron City venue. Thursday, Sept. 29, pm- 10pm | Iron City Birmingham
Fundraising & Events Hearts After Dark Item Donation Sponsorship Opportunities Help make this event a success by soliciting and donating items to be auctioned to raise money for pediatric heart transplant research. Support this event and cause by being a sponsor. There will be opportunities for many different sponsorship levels.
Fundraising & Events Angel Ornaments In November & December, PHTS Foundation will team up with Prodigal Pottery for an Angel Ornament Sale Fundraiser! These beautiful angel ornaments with a heart shape cut out in the middle are handmade by the women at King’s Home, a shelter and safe haven in Chelsea, AL, for women who are seeking hope and restoration from pasts riddled with abuse and homelessness. Prodigal Pottery has agreed to generously donate 50% of the proceeds from the sale of these ornaments to PHTS Foundation!
Stay Connected PHTS Foundation is now on social media! Connect with us on Facebook & Twitter. ‘Like’ & ‘Follow’ us to stay up to date on all the latest news, information, & events. Have something you’d like to share? Send us photos, videos, & stories to be shared on our outlets.