Allied Health II Unit 4: Death, Dying, Funeral Services
Hospice Care Terminal diagnosis, death with dignity Within six months of expiration Palliative, support & comfort Psychological, social, financial counseling Family support & counseling post expiration In home or facility 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
Death/Dying Views vary by culture –Some welcome death as advancing to next stage –Some see it as final and thus seek to prolong life even if by artificial means –Suicide shameful in some cultures –Some religions forbid suicide –Some use suicide routinely –Many cultures have various rituals surrounding death 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
What is Death? Fetal –Miscarriage before 20 weeks –Stillbirth after 20 weeks Brain Death –3 consecutive flat EEG’s –Occurs after 5-6 minutes without oxygen Irreversible cessation of electrical activity in the whole brain 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
Organ Donation Facts: No National Registry Family consulted prior to donation No cost to family or estate for donation Open casket funeral possible Funeral expenses remain family responsibility All people should consider themselves donors Condition at time of death determines what organs/tissue can be donated 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
Organ Donation & Religion Permits Individual choice: –Baptist –Episcopal –Catholic –Presbyterian –Mormon 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from Discourages donation –Christian Science –Hinduism –Muslim –Jehovah’s Witness –Judaism
Funeral Careers Funeral Director (Mortician) Embalmer Mortuary Assistant 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
Funeral Director Education –2-4 years mortuary science college or Associates or Bachelors degree –Licensure required all states except Colorado Average salary $28,600-$94,700 Average Job Growth 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
Job Duties Provide support to survivors Prepare body following legal requirements Secure info for legal documents File death certificates Arrange & direct wake/funeral service Arrange & direct burial or cremation Conduct business of funeral home 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
Embalmer Education –2-4 years mortuary science college or Associates or Bachelors degree –Licensure required all states except Colorado Average salary $22,600-$,71,500 Average Job Growth 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
Job Duties Prepare & wash body for interment Replace blood with embalming fluid Reshape & restructure disfigurement of bodies Dress body, apply cosmetics, place in casket Maintain embalming records 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
Mortuary Assistant Education –1-2 years on-the-job training or –1-year HSTE program Average Job Growth Salary Range $14,500 - $26,800 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
Job Duties Works under supervision of Director & Embalmer May pick up bodies, deliver to burial site Arrange flowers for viewing Assist with funeral service Files & maintains records Clean funeral home 6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from
6/21/2016Free PowerPoint Template from THE END!