Karen Siyuan Chen
Visual, auditory, smell, taste, touch Stimuli transmit to the brain
Absolute threshold The minimum amount of sensory stimulation that can be detected 50% of the time Difference threshold A measure of the smallest increase of decrease in a physical stimulus Just noticeable difference The smallest change in sensation that a person is able to detect 50% of the time
Stimulus neural impulses transduction sensory receptors Sensory adaptation The sensory receptors grow accustomed to constant, unchanging levels of stimuli, then we notice them less and less, or not at all. Not likely to occur in the presence of a very strong stimulus e.g. walking into or out of a crave / theater
The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. ----(Luke 11:34)
Trichromatic theory Maximal chemical response particularly sensitive to Blue, green, red
Opponent-process theory Three kinds of cells respond by increasing or decreasing their rate of firing when different colors are present
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circumstance of birth, genetic defects Older functional loss Injury Noise demage
How did you recognize your mother when you were born? Have you ever said “I like / hate that smell.” ? Did it influence your impression for that object or person? Think about the most tasty dish you have ever had, how about the smell? Did you feel happy that day?
Why sometim es I cut myself, but I felt no pain? Is pain bad?
How can they do that? Talent + training
What do you see? How do you know that matched the one in your mind? Do you think that every one saw the same thing as your?
The further, the smaller? The former will cover the latter?
Scared! I CAN’T go forward!
What is your first image in mind? Did you see the other image after hints?
It is not simply 2 persons there. How about their emotions?
The edge is quite important!
Pay attention to the vanishing point
Answer as soon as possible
Is there a “T”? Use prior knowledge what dos the “T” look like?
Answer as soon as possible
Is the “T” red? Limit the range of guessing
We not only can tell the distance of objects by vision, but also can tell the location of sound by auditory.
Selective attention Just pay attention to what you want to see or hear, or to something that fits your value system unconsciously Pay good attention = good memory??
Tell the color that highlighted dot is
Tell the color that the highlighted dot is
Tell the color that the highlighted dot is.
Can you do that? Why you can or why you can not?