Internet Safety Review Focus: Cyber Security A Literacy-Based Teaching and Learning Activity Level 6
The Plan You will be writing stories for younger students on an Internet safety topic.
All Right – Let’s Get Started Today we’re going to review what we learned from our second i-SAFE lesson on cyber security. Let’s see if you can answer these questions!
Question 1 What is ? Take a moment to discuss the answer as a class.
Answer Electronic mail received while a computer is online
Question 2 What is a virus? Take a moment to discuss the answers as a class.
Answer A malicious computer program designed to cause harm.
Question 3 How can you get a virus? Take a moment to discuss the answer as a class.
Answer You can get a virus through infected programs, discs, etc. However, the most common way is through . Viruses are included in ATTACHMENTS. And are downloaded accidentally by the user.
Question 4 What are some ways to prevent virus infection? Take a moment to discuss the answer as a class.
Answer Always run virus protection software. Never open that you don’t expect or that is from someone you don’t know. If you receive that has an attachment, don’t hesitate to verify that the person meant to send it. If you do decide to open the attachment, make sure to save it to your computer first so it runs through the virus program.
Question 5 Besides viruses, what other types of malicious code are there? Take a moment to discuss the answer as a class.
Answer Worms and Trojan horses are also examples of malicious code.
I hope you learned something I know I did! That was a great review.
It’s time to pass out the activity pages. Then let’s continue on
All right – Everyone have an Activity Sheet? Good! Your task today is to write a short story designed to teach students in a lower grade about what you just reviewed. I’m going to help you out and show you how to get started. You can follow along on your activity sheet.
i-SAFE also has lessons for grades K-4. However, these lessons are a little different. One example is that younger students have a character named i-Buddy. (An example of i-Buddy is at the top of your activity sheet). By having this character, younger students relate better to the material.
Another difference is in the level of the material presented to students in lower grades - younger students don’t get all of the information that you get on the same subject. For example, if you remember your lesson on Cyber Security, you learned about Flame and Spam. However, in the lower grades, students focus mainly on computer viruses. - Why do you think that is? Students in lower grades are just being introduced to the information and don’t know as much about it. Additionally, they have little or no experience with spam or flame . The most important goal for students in the lower grades is to be introduced to information about viruses and prevention, and to understand that they need to get help from an adult if they suspect computer virus infection.
Introduction: Today you will become a storyteller and a teacher. It is your job to use the information you have learned to write an educational story for younger students. This activity sheet will help guide you in the process. Meet i-Buddy. He is a character used in all of the i-SAFE lessons for grades K-4. You can use him in your story too!
Use the questions on the activity sheet to help you brainstorm for your story. Before you start, here are some things you should consider. 1.Know your audience!!! Keep in mind what grade level you are writing for. Don’t use words they won’t understand. Keep sentences shorter and simpler. 2.Explain things! Don’t expect everyone at that grade level to understand or viruses. Some may have never even been on the Internet before. Break things down so anyone could understand. 3.Make it interesting! Write a good story. Have a plot. Use different characters. What do you think would appeal to your audience?
Some More Things to Consider 4.Before you write, plan what you will say. Have an idea of where the story is going, who the characters are, and what you want to teach. That way you have a roadmap for writing the story. 5.Rough Draft?!? Take time if possible to write a simple rough draft. Use this to make sure you include everything you want. That way you haven’t wasted time illustrating a story only to find out you forgot to mention viruses. Also, this way you can proofread and perfect! 6.Most of all – Have fun with it. If you are having fun writing it then chances are the students will have fun hearing the story.
So Get Started! Do your best on these stories! Use your reference sheets to make sure you remember everything. When you are finished you will trade papers with a classmate and use a checklist to make sure you wrote a good story!
How Do you Know When You’re Done? Have you: 1. Completed your group review? 2. Written your story? 3. Shared your story with a classmate and used the checklist provided?
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