Best Cyber Security Practices for Counties An introduction to cybersecurity framework
Facts: What we must know Cyber attacks present a tangible element of risk There is no such thing as a secure network The threat landscape is constantly changing The delivery mechanism’s are becoming more advanced Training and preparing for event response determines outcome
Initial Tasks: What can we do? Train Inventory Identify Develop Implement Test
Training “We provided our staff the resources they needed to respond to this.”
Training: There is no substitute for competent staffing Training needs to be recurring There are several centers that provide free educational materials Participate in local and national groups
Inventory “The only thing hooked up is our devices and applications”
Inventory: What does our system look like Hardware What devices are on our network? What devices perform tasks without user intervention? What unauthorized devices are on our network? Software What software applications are on our systems? What software applications have been authorized for use?
Identify “We were unaware that the information we were collecting is protected”
Identify: Do you know where your liability is? Protected Information Can you identify what data your organization is collecting? Can you readily identify the location of the data? Can you determine what laws and regulations govern the data? Access Points Determine what network services are necessary Determine network boarders Determine User Access Determine Standard Use Patterns
Development “Our business strategy did not account for this type of event”
Development: We know what we need to protect. Now what? Policies & Procedures Create an Acceptable Use Policy Create the Security Response plan Create the Disaster Recovery Plan Create a User Awareness Plan
Implement “The controls we had in place prevented the situation from escalating”
Implement: Build your strategy Access Control Secure Network Boarders Limit Use of Network Services Isolate Local Area Networks MonitoringAuditing User Control Limit Administrative Privilege Account AuditingAccount Enforcement Patch Management Lab TestingAutomatic Deployment Information Gathering Use Centralized Log Servers Audit Access LogsAutomate Notifications Data Protection Backups
Test “During an exercise, we had identified a significant gap in our operation protocol”
Test: Are the implemented controls effective Internal Tests Simulate an event and measure effectiveness Modify the incident response plan to fill the gaps External Tests Use companies that have certified penetration testers.
Question and Answers Presented by: Sean Higginbotham Cascade County