INJURIES TO MUSCLES Injuries to muscles can happen by: Tearing the muscle fibers Tearing or damaging the connective tissue Rupturing blood vessels Muscle have ample blood supply, so they usually heal quickly The injured muscle repairs itself with scar tissue and is more prone to re- injury
STRAIN A strain is an overstretching of tearing of a muscle and/or adjacent tissue (fascia or tendon) caused by twisting of pulling Strains are most common where the muscle meets the tendon Most commonly strained areas: Hamstrings Quadriceps Back
TYPES OF STRAINS Acute strain: A blow to the muscle tissue Improperly lifting heavy objects Overstressing muscles Chronic strain: Overuse Prolonged repetitive movements
TREATMENT FOR A STRAIN How to treat a strain: 1.P.R.I.C.E 2.Anti-inflammatory medications 3.With a severe strain the injured area will need to immobilized 4.A severe strain may require surgery Strains may be prevented by: Warming up properly Strengthening Increasing flexibility
MYOSITIS OSSIFICANS Myositis ossificans is caused by damage to the periosteum; where bone tissue starts being produced within the muscle after a tramatic injury Caused by a deep contusion that is ignored or repeated muscular trama Myositis ossificans is most common in the quadriceps muscles Diagnosis: 1.Pain is the primary symptom 2.Sometimes an immovable mass can be palpated in the muscle 3.The bone tissue in the muscle will always be visible on an x – ray, but not for 3 to 4 weeks after the injury occurs
TREATMENT FOR MYOSITIS OSSIFICANS Prevention: 1.P.R.I.C.E 2.Light stretching to keep range of motion (Myositis ossifican is more likely to occur in a sedentary muscle Treatment: 1.Ultra-sound may be needed to break up the boney growth 2.Surgery may be needed if: Excessive pain Compressing on a nerve Interfering with range of motion When the athlete returns to completion, protect the injury with a donut pad
TENDONITIS Tendonitis is caused by repeated stress to a tendon that results in micro tears in the tendon sheath resulting in inflammation The most common cause of tendonitis in overuse Symptoms of tendonitis: Point tenderness with or without motion Mild swelling Most common areas of the body to get tendonitis: Base of thumb Elbow Shoulder Hip Knee Achilles tendon
TREATMENT FOR TENDONITIS Treatment: 1.P.R.I.C.E 2.A brace or neoprene compression sleeve 3.Corticosteroid injections (decrease swelling) 4.Physical therapy 5.Surgery in rare cases Prevention: Apply ice to high stress areas after practice or competitions