KAP G ROUP 2 1.PhươngBM (Leader) 2.VinhTD (Vice Leader) 3.ChungBT (Designer) 4. NgọcĐM (Developer) 5. NgọcDB (Test leader)
C ONTENTS 3 6. Demo 5.Result and Conclusions 4. Implementation 3. Requirement Specification 2. Project Management 1. Introduction
O BJECTIVE S YSTEM 8 A System help user can choose and control karaoke process by Android Mobile
R OLE AND R ESPONSIBILITIES 9 RoleMember General manager, Technical leaderPhuongBM Technical leader, DeveloperVinhTD Test leaderNgocDB DeveloperNgocDM Analysis, DesignerChungBT
S OFTWARE P ROCESS M ODEL 10 Waterfall Model
11 Project Plan
F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENTS 12 Manage connection Remote Karaoke Search song Create favorite songs Score by user Mobile user
F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENTS 13 Collect Karaoke song’s info Edit Karaoke song’s info Create all playlist Create suggest list Schedule making playlist Manager
N ON -F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENTS 14 Usability Maintain and develop Platform compatibility Resource constraints (processor speed, memory, disk space, network bandwidth, etc.)
D EVELOPMENT E NVIRONMENTS 15 Hardware LG, Samsung mobile phone with Android OS Software Server Software (SQLServer, Visual studio 2010).NET Frame 4.0 PC Client J2EE Eclipse Java JDK 6.24 VLC Media Player Mobile Android SDK Java JDK 6.24 Eclipse
C OMMUNICATION P ROTOCOLS 16 Connection : Wi-Fi Protocol: Http protocol Data type: video files (mp4,avi,mpg,flv…)
F UNCTIONAL D ESIGN 18 Database Store video file Create database via XML file Collect, add song’s information Control Add, edit, remove Update played time Auto create playlist
F UNCTIONAL D ESIGN 19 Connection Find, connect with Access PointFind, connect with Access Point User add server to connect with PC Client by IP Address and PortUser add server to connect with PC Client by IP Address and Port Control User can play, pause, next, previous, fullscreen song in listUser can play, pause, next, previous, fullscreen song in list View list song is playingView list song is playing Play suggest listPlay suggest list Control volumeControl volume SeekSeek Search Searching song on Database by song’s name, lyric or singerSearching song on Database by song’s name, lyric or singer Play a song in this listPlay a song in this list Add song into favorite listAdd song into favorite list
D ATABASE D ESIGN 20 PC-Server: OLE DB.NET Data Provider (Microsoft Access) Mobile phone: SQL Lite Data table : One main table contains all song’s information
D ATABASE D ESIGN 21 NameVideo DescriptionMain table, Store all songs information Select Command SELECT [No], Title, Duration, Artist, Description, Album, PlayedTime, URI FROM Video Table AdapterVideoTableAdapter ColumnData TypeNull OptionIs FKIs PKNote NoTextNo Yes TitleMemoNo DurationTextYesNo ArtistTextYesNo DescriptionMemoYesNo AlbumMemoYesNo PlayedTimeNumberYesNo URIMemoNo ColumnData TypeNull OptionIs FKIs PKNote idintNo Yes locationvarcharNo titlevarcharNo title_simplevarcharNo favouritevarcharYesNo lyricvarcharYesNo sourcevarcharYesNo KAP-SS KAPlus
T ECHNICAL DESIGN 22 ClientMobile HTTP Request - Response DB Android Java Server TCP-IP.NET Framework
A RCHITECTURE M ODEL 23 Client-Server Interaction-Oriented (MVC and PAC)
T ESTING 24 V – model
T ESTING R ESULT 25 Test Report Sum of TestCase 89 Number of TestCase Number of TestCase Failed Number of TestCase Pending Defect 59 Number of opening defect 0 Number of Closed defect 59
I MPLEMENTED T ECHNICAL P ROBLEMS Having dependence on VLC media player New programming language Some problem with emulator and real devices 26
L IMITATIONS AND F UTURE I MPROVEMENT Limitations: Can’t save song’s information with song’s file. Don’t have portability Future Improvement: Save user playlist (mobile or web) Search unavailable song from internet Synchrony with social network 27
C ONCLUSIONS Future: Continue developing Deployed to Android Market Make product professional and popular 28
D EMO 29