WG Practice based learning
Main Goals The results of this working group should lead to more practice placements abroad The results of this working group should lead to a structural exchange of best practices (from teacher perspectives as well as student perspectives) The results of this working group give the different institutions the opportunity to solve the “problem” of clinical placements
Problem definitions diversity of the programs how can we make a connection between two non fitting programs what adjustments can be made in the own institution how flexible is a student in “non regular” learning programs
Questions How are internship organized in your University How do you assess your students Do you work with learning goals Do you work with specific levels during internships
Questions How are internship organized in your University How do you assess your students Do you work with learning goals Do you work with specific levels during internships Based on this exploration we asked to answer two questions in Lahti: Where do you see possibilities for improving exchange In case of “ Non fitting” programs: how creative are you in making things fit
First steps to solutions Support in training (special course) for workplace supervisor (Improve the pedagogical competence) Local students work together with Erasmus students (e.g 2:1 placement model), in order to tackle the language problem Important that we have clear how and what we assess, what differences there are in learning outcomes, EC’s etc. (mentioned by all the groups) and strive for a certain similarity ( discussion point in Istanbul)
What to work on assessment of practice placements: criteria, responsibility, esco consequences? wcpt guideline clinical education connecting with wg internationalization: additional info about placement posibilities
What we worked on in Istanbul assessment of practice placements: criteria, responsibility, esco consequences? wcpt guideline clinical education connecting with wg internationalization: additional info about placement posibilities
Results Results group 1: list of needed information in the mobility map. (same as the ISB internationalization wg) Collaboration with wg mobility map needed In Tartu information in the map Results group 2: questionnaire and letter to the institutions on criteria and methods of assessing CP In Tartu presentation of the information gathered. Start on the international competency list. Results group 3: Patient grading system In Tartu complete proposal grading system (patient part)
What we worked on after Istanbul A list of needed information with suggestions were to place it in the MM is offered to the WG mobility a framework for a patient grading system
European Network for Practical Placements
Problem State of uncertainty between practices and students. Solution Find a way to dissolve these boundaries.
Problems Universities do not have a database of practices to suit them and the students. Supervisors don’t always receive well suited (+ useful) students. International students follow different education programs, creating different levels of potential in each year.
Solutions Universities affiliated with ENPHE contribute data of all European practices their students have visited. Creating a shared database of information for Universities. For universities to decide minimum placement learning criteria for each year. (explained later) Used by supervisors to determine if they can provide it. For practices to decide student requirements, for each year, in advance. (explained later) Filtering applications, enhancing compatibility, improving learning.
Requirements UNIVERSITY: 1. Type: Ortho, Neuro, CardioResp, Hospital etc. 2. Criteria: Must / Should / Could / Shouldn’t … …With regards to: Observation / Handling / Ownership NB: This is created by each university, specific for each year and must be supported by the course syllabus. Providing a minimum requirement for ‘musts’ allows the supervisor to decide the ‘shoulds’. Increasing chance of placement.
Requirements PRACTICE: Language Insurance Year of study Interest in future work abroad?
Main points + Benefits This is a tool of ENPHE. This will combine every universities advantages. Improve student international mobility. Increase student-practice compatibility. Practices become part of a regulated, learning network. Help supervisors see the benefits of having students from successful and suitable placements.
How to start? Talk to your directors and international offices. interest: For the next seminar: An introduction leaflet of the European Network for Practical Placement (ENPP) benefits will be created by us for the next seminar. This will outline the improved quality and benefits gained from being part of a structured network for student placements.
Thanks to (amongst others) Teachers Tijmen Koet Milda Zukauskiené Marian Kooimans Gert Jan Kordes Gemma Pampalona Olga Velasco Roldán Marleen Hazeveld ISB Students Katrine Fritzen Eeva Lehtinen Benjamin Rasmussen Claire Testa