An Alternate to Alternative Energy microE 3,LLC Copyrighted, 2013, microE3,LLC Robert S Donaldson
LEDs make sense Convert half of the 410,000 households in RI to LEDs Assume 40 Bulbs per Household ave. Estimated Energy Usage per month is 1,000 kwh LEDs will reduce consumption by 25% Energy reduction for state per month is 51,250,00 kwh Cost savings per month for Customers is $8,700,000 Cost of $10 ea. $82,000,000 Payback period 10 Months Deep Water Wind increase cost per kwh$.17 Consumer Cost increase for Alternative Energy $8,712,
LEDs make sense Replace all the light bulbs in a Household to LED’s Assume 40 Bulbs per Household ave. Average energy use per month is 1,000 kwh LED’s will reduce consumption by 25% or 250 kwh/month This will reduce CO2 emissions by 205 Tons per month per household This will also reduce the electric bill by $42.50 per month per household Convert half of the 2,500,000 households in MA to LEDs Energy reduction for state is 312,500,000 kwh per month This will reduce CO2 emissions by 256,250 Tons per month This will also reduce electric bills by $53,125,
Emission and Energy Reductions resulting from the use of LED’s in Households 4 1
United States Census Bureau State and County Quick Facts State Number of Customers Average Monthly Consumption (kWh) Average Price (cents/kWh) Average Monthly Bill (Dollar and cents) Massachusetts2,699, Rhode Island435, U.S. Total126,832,
LEDs make sense Cost of $10 ea. $500,000,000 Payback period 10 Months Cape Wind increase cost per kwh$.14 Cost increase for Alternative Energy $43,750,
7 1
LEDs make sense For RI the savings per month are $8,700,000 vs an increase in cost of 8,712,500 which is a differential of $17,412,500 or $85 per household per month. For MA the savings per month are $53,125,000 vs an increase in cost of $43,750,000 which is a differential of $96,875,000 or $77.50 per household per month. 8 1