ŠkolaKatolické gymnázium Třebíč, Otmarova 22, Třebíč Název projektu Moderní škola Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Šablona III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Autor DUM Paula Torresan Název DUM Stonehenge Kód DUM VY_32_INOVACE_3.3.17_Stonehenge Datum vytvoření 05/01/2014 Předmět Anglický jazyk Tematická oblast Anglicky mluvicí země Výstup ŠVP Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Anotace DUM Power-point prezentace o Stonehenge (reálie). Metodický popis Prezentace slouží k seznámení studentů s nejdůležitějšími informacemi o Stonehenge. Hodnocení DUM přispěl k hlubšímu zapamatování či procvičení učiva. Autor prohlašuje, že řádně uvedl všechny použité zdroje. Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora.
S TONEHENGE A brief trip through images and texts of this incredible site
Stonehenge in the county of Wiltshire, south-west England, is probably the best-known pre-historical monument in the world. Such stone monuments are also called megaliths, and in Greek the word megalith means ‘a huge stone’. Megaliths were built mainly during the Stone Age so they are the oldest surviving structures in the world. What can be seen today in Stonehenge are remnants of the last in a sequence of monuments erected in four major stages between c and 1500 BC. JULIA. Stonehenge from north, August 2010, cropped. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z:
Stonehenge consists of circles of huge stones, some of them 8.5 metres tall. The bluestones come from as far as Wales, so they probably held special importance for pre-historic people. The stones used for building Stonehenge are sarsens and bluestones. They all look grayish now, but they looked quite different when the monument was first built, as the sarsens looked white and the bluestones dark blue (that’s the colour they have when freshly broken or wet). DAVEAHERN. Stonehenge Closeup. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z:
Some of the most important parts which constitute Stonehenge are the Avenue, the Heel Stone, the Altar Stone and the Great Trilithon. The Avenue connected Stonehenge to the river Avon 2.8 km away. It was probably a processional route by which prehistoric people approached Stonehenge (n. 10 in the plan below). The Heel Stone is at the north-east entrance of the site from the Avenue. It may have been the first stone at Stonehenge and it indicates the position of the rising sun at summer solstice (n. 5 in the plan below). The Great Trilithon is the tallest trilithon and is really important because if you stood within the centre of Stonehenge at midwinter you’d see the sun set between the two stones of this trilithon. The Altar Stone is completely different than all the other stones so it must have been very important. We don’t know what it was used for or whether it stood upright or was always horizontal (n. 1 in the plan). ADAMSAN. Stonehenge plan. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z:
TRIMMING, Peter. Sarsen Stones at Stonehenge - geograph.org.uk In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: _ jpg?uselang=cs Trilithons Heel Stone GOLDSMITH, John. The Heel Stone and King Barrows, Stonehenge - geograph.org.uk In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: arrows,_Stonehenge_-_geograph.org.uk_-_ jpg?uselang=cs Altar Stone BROPHY, Pam. Past the Stones, Stonehenge - geograph.org.uk In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: _geograph.org.uk_-_34294.jpg?uselang=cs
There’s a lot of old graffiti visible on the stones. Some of it dates back to Roman time and up to mid 1900s when tourists and visitors left their names on the stones. In the Victorian period bits of the stones were chipped off to take home as souvenirs. RESK. Stonehenge megalith with graphiti carvings April In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z:
DUNN, Andrew. Summer Solstice Sunrise over Stonehenge In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: ice_Sunrise_over_Stonehenge_2005.jpg DUNN, Andrew. Sun behind the Heel Stone. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: There has always been intense debate over the purpose of Stonehenge. One of the remarkable things about Stonehenge is its orientation on the rising and setting of the sun and moon and this is best seen at the solstices at midsummer and midwinter or at the autumn and spring equinoxes. It is likely that the builders came from a sun-worshipping culture, so Stonehenge would have been a sort of temple, or it is possible that the whole site was part of some huge astronomical calendar.
Stonehenge became a UNESCO site in The site is managed by the English Heritage, which opened a new Stonehenge exhibition and visitor centre in Visitors need a special permission to walk among the stones. BIN IM GARTEN. Stonehenge 2010 PD 01. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: WILLIAM. See Stonehenge for free - geograph.org.uk In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: _geograph.org.uk_-_ jpg
SEZNAM POUŽITÝCH ZDROJŮ: Obrázky: JULIA. Stonehenge from north, August 2010, cropped. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: DAVEAHERN. Stonehenge Closeup. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: ADAMSAN. Stonehenge plan. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: TRIMMING, Peter. Sarsen Stones at Stonehenge - geograph.org.uk In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: GOLDSMITH, John. The Heel Stone and King Barrows, Stonehenge - geograph.org.uk In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: BROPHY, Pam. Past the Stones, Stonehenge - geograph.org.uk In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: _geograph.org.uk_-_34294.jpg?uselang=cs RESK. Stonehenge megalith with graphiti carvings April In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: DUNN, Andrew. Summer Solstice Sunrise over Stonehenge In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: DUNN, Andrew. Sun behind the Heel Stone. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: WILLIAM. See Stonehenge for free - geograph.org.uk In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: _geograph.org.uk_-_ jpg BIN IM GARTEN. Stonehenge 2010 PD 01. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z: