Through Any Means Available: Connecting People With Scholarship Redefining Relevance: Exceeding User Expectations in a Digital Age University of Oklahoma Libraries March 6, 2009, Oklahoma City Barbara I. Dewey, University of Tennessee
Four C’s Connect Create Collaborate Communicate
Connecting People with Scholarship Organization design New physical spaces “Old” physical spaces Cultural Venues Special nature of faculty and graduate students Research, teaching, and learning enterprise
No Longer Business As Usual Sustainability Effectiveness Accountability Flexibility Use most resourceful means possible
Connecting Blurring lines Leveraging millions spent on collections, people Need for scholars to produce and be visible Importance for undergrads to have lifelong knowledge for problem solving and creativity Repurposing space to reach different populations
Previous Organization
Columbia’s Digital Social Science Ctr Meet with subject specialists and staff trained to assist with numeric and spatial data, software, and equipment Use 30-inch workstations designed for collaborative study and research Use group study rooms and practice presentation rooms.
Indiana’s Emerging Research Commons Advanced Visualization Lab Dedicated graduate student only space IU ScholarWorks (institutional repository service point) Usability Lab
Ohio University’s Faculty Commons Reception area Open area/lounge seating Staff offices for academic technologists Coffee kiosk Large high-tech conference room Small conference rooms with immersion technology Faculty showcase to celebrate faculty work done in the facility Teaching and learning space Graphics services Multimedia services Multimedia lab Faculty ‘sandbox’
Collaboration Faculty and graduate students The research enterprise The teaching and learning enterprise
ARL Member Libraries’ Instructional Initiatives Collaborations with academic faculty Digital images Podcasts/vodcasts Blogs Facebook Short Web tutorials Specially assigned librarians Immersion in special collections Mentoring/training of instructional librarians Plagiarism and ethics Customer-informed training, faculty workshops, student research competitions
Connecting People With Scholarship Through Any Means Available Requires: Collaboration & Integration – collections/services Selfless attitude towards sharing Aversion towards elitism and prestige Focus on connecting rather than on collecting Adoption of new models of communication
Through Any Means Available: Connecting People With Scholarship Redefining Relevance: Exceeding User Expectations in a Digital Age University of Oklahoma Libraries March 6, 2009, Oklahoma City Barbara I. Dewey, University of Tennessee