C HAPTER 1 SECTION 1 Principles of Government
A RISTOTLE A scholar in ancient Greece, was one of the first students of government.
NATION Any sizeable group of people who are united by common bonds of race, language, custom, tradition, and sometimes religion.
E SSENTIAL FEATURES OF A STATE PopulationThe nature of a states population affects its stability TerritoryStates have established boundaries which may change as a result of war, negotiations, and purchase. SovereigntyThe key characteristic of a state; political sovereignty means the state has supreme and absolute authority w/in its territorial boundaries GovernmentThe institution through which the state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces decisions that are binding on all people living w/in the state.
S OCIAL CONTRACT THEORY One of the first to theorize on the social contract. Thomas HobbesJohn Locke Wrote that people were naturally endowed with the right to life, liberty, and property.
P URPOSES OF GOVERNMENT Maintain social order Provide public service Provide national security Make economic decisions