Abdus Salam Khan MD, FACP Director Emergency, Shifa International Hospitals Ltd, Islamabad Diplomat American Board of Internal Medicine Fellow American College of Physicians Member American College of Physician Executive Member Executive Committee of Society of Emergency Physicians Pakistan Supervisor PG Student, College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan Member HL7 Pakistan
Contents EHealth Horizon EHealth Future EHealth Initiative EHealth Recommendations.
Usually EHealth Means Tele-Consultation Performing Remote Surgeries
Tele-Radiology Tele-Diagnostics
Tele-Education Remote Monitoring
Electronic data gathering Electronic medical records systems Personal health records systems Electronic lab data delivery Data integration Creation of decision support system Health surveillance Healthcare efficient delivery But Ehealth Also Includes
Electronic data gathering Creation of decision support system Out of those others…
How to Solve Pakistan’s healthcare problems? Initiating data collection Document the disease burden Data gathering mechanisms Educational curriculum guidance Resource allocation Audit and efficiency documentations
Factors important in those…… Private Sector in Bringing Innovational Ideas Government Sector to Regulate The Efforts Results of Combined efforts
HDCIP Healthcare Data Collection Initiative of Pakistan
What is HDCIP ? ? ? Innovative Approach to Collect Data of Private Physicians and Pool Them Together Creation of Evidence Disease Early Warning Mechanism Fill The Gaps Needed To Create The Healthcare Indicator Studies By The Government or Private Sector Help Policy Makers To Know The Disease Distribution For The Educationalist Right Curriculum To Be Taught In The Medical Colleges.
Data Transfer Central Database EBDSS Evidence Based Decision Support System
HDCIP Current Status Our initiative is at the stage of software making and testing Soon be launching it to selected physicians, and the access is free of cost After Completing first phase of this initiative.
My Recommendations Basic Level Advanced Level
Basic Level Create a standardized input parameter for the collection of any data. It should also include standardization of abbreviation. Create a body to form a consensus on understanding of input parameters, so when data combined together will not create a problem for the researchers or data gatherers. Create an atmosphere of data collection and pooling at all level and in all sectors.
Advanced level Recommend laws governing the ehealth. Address privacy and security concerns. Create a body which can certify institutions about ehealth, if they comply with the standards. Recommend the laws that deal with the breach of confidentiality and security issues. Tax relief for the individual physicians who utilize ehealth in any and all forms. Tax advantage for the institutions who actively are engaged in ehealth. Creation of Government sponsored data centers which are secure and are offered at a discounted rate to people who show interest in ehealth and show meaningful utilization of the service.
Last But Not the Least Where Ever We Will End Up In Next 5 Years Depends Upon What Road We Take Today…!!!!!!
Thank You