History 102SY The United States and the Middle East 1900 to the Present
Afghanistan & the First Palestinian Intifada
Fall 1986—Reagan administration’s secret dealings with Iran, and diversion of money to contras, became public knowledge
December 1987—Michail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan signed Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
December 1979—Soviets invaded Afghanistan, where they were bogged down for next decade Afghanistan
Afghan Mujahidin
1980s—Reagan administration, using Pakistan as conduit, sent arms and equipment to anti-Soviet Mujahidin
Stinger Missiles
1980s—CIA worked with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to recruit tens of thousands of young Muslim men to engage in jihad against Soviets William Casey
Osama bin Laden took part in effort to oust Soviet Union from Afghanistan—was working in parallel with US
1989—Soviet Union pulled out of Afghanistan
The Taliban 1992—Pro-Soviet regime in Kabul collapsed; Mujahidin fought among themselves until Taliban took over in 1996
Summer 1982—Israeli invasion of Lebanon Arab-Israeli Conflict
September 1, 1982—Ronald Reagan issued Middle East peace plan, calling for Israeli withdrawal from West Bank and Gaza, freeze on construction of Jewish settlements, and Palestinian federation with Jordan; some Arab states cautiously welcomed Reagan Plan; Israel and PLO opposed it
September 9, 1982—Arab states at summit in Fez, Morocco, issued peace plan, calling for independent Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza with East Jerusalem as its capital; Israel rejected Fez Plan; U.S. ignored it
Following Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, PLO had to relocate to Tunisia, from which it was difficult to influence events in Israel/Palestine
Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza Strip
Late 1987—traffic accident in Gaza sparked spontaneous uprising (Intifada) among Palestinians; quickly spread to West Bank
Divided Israeli government Yitzhak Rabin Yitzhak Shamir Shimon Peres
Israeli government tried to put down Intifada by force but without using major firepower Yitzhak Rabin
1988—Secretary of State George Shultz tried to resolve crisis without involving PLO; US govt would not recognize PLO until it recognized Israel, accepted Resolution 242, and renounced terrorism
The Terrorism Issue Arafat
The Terrorism Issue Arafat Begin
The Terrorism Issue Arafat Shamir Begin
Shultz hoped Jordan could speak for Palestinians, but this possibility died in summer of 1988, when King Hussein renounced Jordan’s claim to West Bank
November 1988—Palestine National Council (PNC) met, accepted Resolution 242, and declared independent Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza (symbolic), implicitly recognizing Israel
Arafat at United Nations
December 1988— Arafat publicly recognized Israel, accepted 242, and renounced terrorism, prompting Reagan administration to open dialogue with PLO
Little came of US-PLO dialogue George H. W. Bush administration kept talks at low level and failed to pressure Israel to ease conditions in occupied territories
Little came of US-PLO dialogue Arafat failed to impose discipline over PLO
Little came of US-PLO dialogue When Arafat refused to condemn attempted terrorist raid into Israel by PLO splinter group, Bush suspended US-PLO dialogue Abu Abbas