History and Government Chapter 18 Section 2
Prehistoric Peoples Hunters/Gatherers settled throughout _________________ and __________________ by the end of the Ice Age, about 10,000 years ago. By 6000 B.C. ___________________ had developed along the Nile River, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Taurus, and Zagros Mountains. The region’s farmers were among the first ___________ in the world to _______________ plants and animals, or take them from the wild and make them useful to people. –Farmers ________ and ______ cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and camels. Some animals were used for ____ and some were used for the hides to make ______ and ________. This allowed civilizations and ____ _______ ________ to develop in this region.
Early Civilizations Although much of North Africa and Southwest Asia has ___ land, important civilizations developed in the regions most _______ areas about 6,000 years ago. –Civilizations arose in Mesopotamia. This was one of world’s first culture hearths –_____________, is the area between the _______ and _________ Rivers. Part of a larger, rich ______________ ______ known as the _______ ________, was home to the ________ civilization. –The _______ civilization flourished along the ____ _____. –The ___________ arose along the eastern Mediterranean coast. –The _______ extended from the ____ _____ and the ________ ____ in the west, to ________ ____ in the east.
Early Civilization Achievements __________– invented an ______ ______ and numbering system _______________ – developed an early form of the ________ we use today __________ – created a ______ ______ and equal treatment of conquered subjects __________ – invented __________, the arch, and the wheel
Major Cultures This area of the world was once a major _______ __ __________ from _______ __ _____. Today, many _____________ want an ____________ _____ of their own in the West Bank and Gaza Strip areas.
Three Major Religions The three major _________ that developed in this area (North Africa and Southwest Asia) of the world. –_________ –___________ –______
Judaism __________ is the ________ monotheistic faith. Is centered in the kingdom of ________. They made ____________ their capital & religious center. __________ teaches obedience to God’s laws and the creation of a just society. The _______, or _________ ______ is the Jews holy book.
Christianity A Jewish teacher named Jesus began preaching about the word of God. This angered many Roman leaders of the time. The Romans put Jesus to death and many Jews believed there was divine purpose behind the events and proclaimed he was the world’s savior.
Christianity The life and teachings of Jesus became the basis for a new religion--______________. Christianity developed out of Judaism –The Christian scriptures came to include the ________ ______ as the ____ ____________ and the ____ ____ ________ __ _______ became the ____ __________. –____________ began to spread the religion into Asia, Africa, and Europe, and eventually to the Americas.
Islam Today, ______ is the major religion of North Africa and Southwest Asia where many ________ today live. In 610 A.D. revelations from God came to Muhammad, a merchant in the city of Mecca, _______ _________. Various groups accepted __________________ teachings and named him the last true ___________ of God, including Abraham, and Jesus.
Islam By the 800’s, Islam spread to North Africa, Europe, South and Southwest Asia. One of the new features seen in the region’s cities was the ___________, or house of worship where ___________ pray the five pillars of Faith. Today around ________________ of the world’s population follows Islam. Main branches of Islam: –Sunni Muslim branch (largest): believe that leadership should be in the hands of the Islamic community at large. –Shia, or Shiite Muslim branch (second-largest): believe that only Muhammad’s descendants should lead the Islamic community. This explains how Sunni Muslims and Shia, or Shiite Muslims have ________ views about who should lead the Muslim community.