Introduction Adolescence is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the period of life that is between 10 and 19 years of age, is characterized by a series of organizational changes (puberty) as well as the integration of functions reproductive character (menstrual cycle in women and sperm in men cycle), accompanied by profound psychosocial adjustment to a changing sociocultural and sometimes hostile environment, many teenagers, especially in developing countries, are multiple difficulty adjusting to this stage of life, particularly with regard to their sexuality. Teenagers are the adults of tomorrow and constitute a substantial proportion of the population. Pregnancy during adolescence is considered by WHO as a pregnancy risk, due to the impact it has on the health of the mother and baby, plus psychosocial sequelae, particularly on draft young lives. Then we will be conducting research on teen pregnancy in the United States particularly the state of Mississippi.
Problem The teenage pregnancy is a public health problem, especially because the highest percentage of population both nationally and globally is composed of young people. Because adolescence is a time of crisis for the individual, in which the family plays a very important role, as this will depend on the success or failure with the individual exceeds this crisis. (Reyes, 1993). Although there have been great advances in sexual and reproductive health, is still very high number of unplanned pregnancies that occur in adolescents, this represents a challenge for the country and for the state of Mississippi to be the one which has more rate high teen pregnancy, according to studies by the WHO.
General Objectives: Identify and discover the characteristics of pregnant adolescents in the state of Mississippi. Specific objectives: 1 - They identify the characteristics of pregnant adolescents such as: age, educational level, occupation and marital status. 2 - Identify the causes of teenage pregnancy in the state of Mississippi.
Development The diagnosis and management of unplanned teen pregnancy is an important issue for any doctor. In the United States, poverty and changes in habits and sexual behavior, combined with little consistent use of contraceptives has caused a very high rate of teenage pregnancies. This is double the rate in England and Wales, Gaza and Canada; three times greater than that of Sweden; seven times higher than in the Netherlands. The media, through advertisements, stories and articles both useful and glorified explicit sex in schools and other groups have provided adequate information on sexuality and birth control. Parents often find themselves caught in the middle, uncomfortable with the change in sexual behavior but rather unable to start the necessary discussion about abstinence or contraception. Often the physician should address these issues in the office; also many of them are asked advice in the school system of the community, even if they have experience of adolescent sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases. (AH Heder, Emmans (1992) "Evaluation of the sexually abused child" Quoted in Emans, ) (. Finke, ML (1994) "Medical Findings in sexually abused child" Quoted in Emans, 2000.)
The doctor's task has become even more challenging by the political, legal, social and medical progress in the United States. Are emerging new measures for schools and hospitals and have started more rigorous evaluations. At the same time, legislation and court decisions limited options of adolescent as impose new requirements to involve parents in their decisions about pregnancy and stop aid solutions such as teenage mothers and their children is. It is very important that the physician transcends beyond the rhetoric and understand the cause of such a high rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States. The factors related to teenage pregnancy, including minority, low socioeconomic status, limited educational opportunities, and home with a single parent and poor family relationships are intricately intertwined. Keep in mind the presence of many factors mixed in reviewing the literature on the causes and outcomes of teenage pregnancy. The teenagers become pregnant is by the early onset of sexual intercourse. Some of the major risk factors to begin early sexual activity is so low socioeconomic status, poor towards achievements for the future, academic difficulties, poor schools and few opportunities orientation. Another important factor in the decision of a teenager to start their sexual life influence is coming from her companions and sisters. The teens surrounded by sisters and friends with sexual activity tends to be more permissive regarding premarital sex, sexual behavior and, nubile girls, their intentions to have sex. Adolescents with a family history of young parents are also at increased risk of early pregnancy. Sexual behavior also depends on the lack of support and family structure in the lives of adolescents and the glamorous image that the media has created sexual activity without consequences. Lack of love causes some teens become sexually active for emotional closeness. The early onset of sexual activity is also linked to other factors, such as being a victim of sexual abuse or being around people who smoke, drink or use drugs. Sexual activity correctly without using any contraceptive method greatly contributes to such a high rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States. Hibbard RA, (1988). "Abused, feelings, and health in a student population Behaviours" Quoted in Emans; op. cit Nagy S. (1995) Quoted in Emans; 2000 op. Cit Kempe CH (1978) Quoted in Emans; 2000 Hibbard RA (1990). "Behavioral risk, emotional risk, and child abuse Among adolescents in a nonclinical setting "Quoted in Emans; 2000 Herman-Giddens ME. (1994) "Vaginal foreigh bodies and sexual child abuse" Quoted in Emans; 2000.
According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Diseases in the United States (CDC) emphasized that Mississippi has the rate of births to teenage mothers highest United States. Mississippi reported 55 births per 1,000 teens aged 15 to 19 in 2010, 60 percent above the national average. The proportion of teenage mothers is higher in the south and southwest, noting that Hispanic and black had the highest numbers of births. The agency indicates that the factors contributing to this high rate of teen pregnancy in the state of Mississippi was strong pregnancy prevention messages aimed at adolescents and increased contraceptive use.
Conclusion In conclusion we can say that although there have been great advances in sex education and contraception that has not stopped the large percentage of pregnant adolescents in the United States and especially in the State of Mississippi. We saw during the development of this issue to many weak points which he or adolescents become sexually precocious what brings consequences teen pregnancy and STDs. I think the point of the family must be one that society needs to strengthen so that our young people have prior knowledge before they see those downloads that are in schools, TV, in media, etc.. I believe that the education department along with the health department should join effort to give a better answer to this evil that is affecting our youth today.