Loyola University Maryland ImageNow Users Group February 23, 2015
Welcome Introductions Loyola ImageNow Users Group
Agenda Office Implementations Benefits What’s new with Perceptive Software Housekeeping Training and Help Business Process Office
Office Implementations Human Resources Undergraduate Admission Graduate Admission Accounts Payable Academic Advising and Support Dean of First Year Students Records Graduate Financial Aid International Programs
Benefits of Paperless Initiative Time Space Document search and retrieval Hidden Cost of Paper Environmental impact Secure Retention Workflow efficiencies
Perceptive Software - What’s new and coming Perceptive Content 7.0 Intelligent Capture 2015 Inspire Conference Perceptive Records Manager Customer Portal
Housekeeping Patches Access and Security
Training and Help Help functionality within ImageNow Training documentation OTS and Enterprise Applications ots.loyola.edu
Functionality Recent documents search alarms and alerts Message Center Filters Viewing properties / workflow history
The mission of the Business Process Office is to promote and support business process optimization through consultation, training, and implementation of innovative solutions in partnership with academic and administrative departments.
In Closing… Your questions Our takeaways Thank you!