Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik The MAGIC view of our Galaxy Tobias Jogler for the MAGIC Collaboration
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik The MAGIC Telescope La Palma, asl. 2200m 17 m diameter mirror 3.5 ° FoV camera Trigger threshold of E = 50 GeV Sensitivity of 1.6 % Crab flux Can operate under moonlight conditions Very sensitive instrument to study faint VHE gamma ray sources
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik MAGIC II 2nd MAGIC telescope under constructionIn stereo observation mode with both telescopes we will have a 3 times better sensitivity than MAGIC I MAGIC II 7-5 cleaning T 75.1 Dedicated talk
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Galactic Source Targets MAGIC mainly pointed at candidate sources Globular ClusterSNRPWNPulsars Microquasar, HMXB SNRs
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Casiopeia A Historic supernova around 1680 Distance ~ 3.4 kpc Shelltype SNR Prominent at X-ray and radio wavelength Discovered by HEGRA in VHE after 232 h of observation Most likely a core collapse Supernova Extension in optical, X-ray, radio ~ 4’ Chandra
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Cassiopeia A MAGIC Observation: T obs = 47 h 86% under moonlight conditions 29° < ZA < 45° Point-like excess at the position of Cas A with 5.2 σ significance Position is coinciding within the errors with the HEGRA measurements
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Cas A Interpretation MAGIC extends the spectrum down to 250 GeV Very good agreement with HEGRA spectrum Theoretical model by Berezhko can describe the measured spectral energy distribution Good candidate for proton accelerator
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik IC 443 VLA 20cm NVSS survey XMM: Troja (2006) Radio, shows MASER emissionHigh soft X-ray flux (no shell) Asymmetric shell-type SNR, 45’ diameter (distance ~1.5 kpc) Complex morphology at different wavelength Unidentified EGRET source inside Only upper limits in VHE gamma rays
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik MAGIC J Point-like source at (RA, DEC) = (06h16m43s, +22 ° 31’48”) statistical position error: 1.5’ and systematic error 1’ Significance: 5.7 σ
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik MAGIC J Spectrum Flux of MAGIC J : above 100 GeV ~ 6.5% Crab above 300 GeV ~ 2.8% Crab Acceleration process in MAGIC J is currently unknown
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Galactic Source Targets MAGIC mainly pointed at candidate sources Globular ClusterSNRPWNPulsars Microquasar, HMXB Binaries / Microquasars
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik LS I Gamma ray binary discovered by MAGIC Compact object unknown B0Ve star as optical companion Highly eccentric orbit e = 0.72 Periodic emission with orbital Period (P = d) in Optical, Radio and X-ray VHE emission strongly variable T 75.1 Dedicated talk
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik LS I Discovery: T obs = 54 h Broad emission peak around phase System is quite at periastron Periastron Deep exposure in fall 2006 T obs = 112 h Highest emission phase Preliminary Albert et al Science 2006
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik LS I Spectrum in phase consistent with a power law of spectral index Γ = 2.6 +/- 0.2 stat Spectral photon index seems to be constant during orbit and within one year Preliminary Stable spectral index Variable flux levels Phase Phase Phase (Science)
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Cygnus X-1 Cygnus X-1 most famous HMXB BH – O-type binary One of the strongest galactic X-ray sources Microquasar (one sided jet) Circular orbit of 5.6 day period Mirabel 2006
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Evidence for VHE emission Out of 26 nights one night shows significant signal Dividing night into half yield 4.1 σ evidence
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Microquasars GRS (T obs = 13.4 h ToO) BHB with M BH ~ 14 M Sol Period 33.5 days Companion M star ~ 1 M Sol Superluminal ejection (radio) Distance 6 – 11 kpc Cyg X-3 (T obs = 25.3 h ToO) BHB candidate Period 0.2 days (very compact) Companion WR star 2 sided Jets Distance ~ 10 kpc Preliminary
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik HEGRA Whipple Milagro & Tibet EXTENDED with radius ~ (6.2 1.2 0.9) arcmin HARD SPECTRUM with index -1.9 0.1 stat 0.3 sys INTEGRAL FLUX > 1 TeV at the level of ~ 5% Crab DEEP EXPOSURE : 278 h (Aharonian et al, 2005) : 3.3 12% Crab at 600 GeV : 6.1 pre-trial 8% Crab, 9' apart! ( Lang et al., 2004 ) ( Konopelko et al., 2005 ) Very extended region! 20 TeV Flux above HEGRA but contribution of diffuse emission? TeV J
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik MAGIC View of TeV J Observation in yield ~ 94 hours data (moonlight observation) Extension 5.0 +/- 1.7 stat +/- 0.6 syst arcmin (assuming gaussian shape) 5.6 σ significance
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik TeV J Spectrum Integral flux F (E > 1 TeV) ~ 3 % of Crab Nebula flux Spectrum: dF/dE = 4.5 +/- 0.3 x (E/ 1TeV)^-2.0 +/- 0.3 Source type unknown “Dark accelerator” Spectrum and flux compatible with HEGRA measurements
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Summary of Observations MAGIC confirms Cas A as VHE source and extends spectrum TeV J2032 is detected and compatible with HEGRA measurement New source discovered MAGIC J in the SNR IC443 LS I is studied detailed with a lot of new insights Evidence for VHE emission from Cyg X-1 in an “outburst” Upper Limits to other microquasars GRS 1915 and Cyg X-3
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Binary Summary LS I is regularly detected and detailed studied Evidence of VHE gamma rays from Cyg X-1 No detection of GRS 1915 and Cyg X-3 Transient sources (Cyg X-1) Still unknown mechanism which produces VHE gamma rays Very interesting topic since many open questions
Tobias Jogler Max – Planck Institut für Physik Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes ~ 10 km Particle shower ~ 1 o Cherenkov light ~ 120 m γ Cherenkov light image of particle shower in telescope camera Reconstruction of: arrival direction, energy reject hadron background