What is hockey? Hockey team sports game, which takes place at a fast pace. Players move around the ice on skates, sticks tend to throw the puck into the goal spernika protect and save from destruction.
Where and when was born hockey? Most historians agree that the game was born in Canada, and the first match was held in Montreal in 1879godu. In 1893, Governor General of Canada, Lord Stanley 's Cup for the best established Canadian komandy.Do 1910 this award - it was called the Stanley Cup, played both amateurs and professionals, speakers, so to speak, in mixed teams. In 1917 was formed National Hockey League (NHL), uniting all Canadian professional komandy.A another seven years in 1924, to Canadians in the NHL and is now the first American team from Boston.
The first hockey game
Sports equipment and equipment for hockey games. Held in an ice hockey site, rectangular shape with rounded edges. Fenced playground wooden or plastic beads 22cm tall. The field is divided into zones. On personal grounds boards installed protective glass and glass-top protective mesh that prevents fly puck out of the field and falling into the audience.
Puck and stick Washer-sports equipment for hockey games. Hockey puck is made of plastic. Stick-sports equipment with which to move the hockey puck on the site.
Hockey team The match comes usually players, but leaves the playing area only 6 players (5 field and 1 goalie). Spare other players.
Goalkeeper-player, whose duty it is to protect their gates, that is not to give the opposing team to score gol.Hokkeyny goalkeeper a very important player in the team. From its action largely depends on the result of team play.
Referee The judge oversees the sporting event, gives the signal to start and end of the contest, the game controls, captures the results of athletes ensures that all adhere to established rules of the game and, if necessary, appoint a punishment for breaking the rules. Over the course of a hockey game watching an entire team of judges.
Hockey in Russia Happy Birthday hockey in Russia and in the USSR as a whole is considered to December 22, 1946, when in Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Kaunas and Arkhangelsk was played the first game of the first USSR championship in ice hockey.
Russian hockey players repeatedly won in the matches at the world championships and the winners of the Olympic Games.