Revision 2 May Created by Steve Wallace Technical Director of Officiating Greater Toronto Hockey League Fighting
Revision 2 May Fighting Learning Outcome To understand the elements of Playing Rule 6.7, Hockey Canada’s complex Fighting rule.
Revision 2 May Fighting - Overview With Spectator 1 player fights 1 punch fights 2 nd fight, same stoppage “3 rd player in” INT from the bench
Revision 2 May Fighting with a Spectator There is NO such rule! “Incident” Options: Gross Misconduct (Travesty of the Game) Match (Attempt to Injure / Deliberate Injury) No penalty Eject or relocate the spectator
Revision 2 May R6.7S4: “..assess additional Minor for Aggressor…” INS + AGG could be assessed if each is wholly earned One Player Fights B7 fights A6 but A6 does not fight back A6: Minor (SL) B7:Major + GM (FI) + Minor (AGG) A6 slashe s B7
Revision 2 May No published solution. Report Minor as AGG until advised otherwise. One Player Fights B7 fights A6 but A6 does not fight back A6: no penalty B7:Major + GM (FI) + Minor (AGG) A6 does nothing to incite B7
Revision 2 May One Punch Fights 1 willing combatant 2 willing combatants Combatant Only: Major + GM (FI) + Minor (AGG) Both: Major + GM (FI)
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) An explanation of the ”3 rd Player In” and “2 nd Fight at Same Stoppage” rule.
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) – An Overview Any PLAYER… 1.Joining in a fight, OR 2.Acting as a peacemaker in a fight, OR 3.Taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play… …will be assessed a Game Misconduct PLUS any other penalty they incur under the rules.
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) – An Overview Any PLAYER… 1.Joining in a fight, OR 2.Acting as a peacemaker in a fight, OR 3.Taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play… …will be assessed a Game Misconduct PLUS any other penalty they incur under the rules. Notice that this rule does not apply to Team Officials* * See Rule 6.7(d)
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) Any PLAYER… 1.Joining in a fight, OR 2.Acting as a peacemaker in a fight, OR 3.Taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play… …will be assessed a Game Misconduct PLUS any other penalty they incur under the rules. “2 nd Fight, Same Stoppage” “3 rd Player In”
Revision 2 May “3 rd Player In” Dealing with those that intervene in a fight already in progress.
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) Any PLAYER… 1.Joining in a fight, OR 2.Acting as a peacemaker in a fight, OR 3.Taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play… …will be assessed a Game Misconduct PLUS any other penalty they incur under the rules. “3 rd Player In”
Revision 2 May “3 rd Player In” / Intervening in a Fight Rule 6.7(h) Those who “join in a fight” and/or “act as a peacemaker” have “intervened” in a fight “3 rd Player In” is a misnomer because Rule 6.7(h) applies all players (i.e., 3 rd 4 th, 5 th, etc.) that “intervene” in a fight
Revision 2 May “3 rd Player In” / Intervening in a Fight Let’s agree to say “Intervenes in a fight” in lieu of “3 rd Player In”.
Revision 2 May Intervening in a Fight Any PLAYER… 1.Joining in a fight, OR 2.Acting as a peacemaker in a fight, OR 3.Taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play… …will be assessed a Game Misconduct PLUS any other penalty they incur under the rules. “Intervening in a Fight”
Revision 2 May Intervening in a Fight “Joining in a Fight” Intervening in a fight in progress as a combatant by piling on, by throwing punches or through any sort of “roughing” action.
Revision 2 May Intervening in a Fight “Acting as a Peacemaker” Intervening in a fight in progress as a non-combatant by attempting to separate or restrain the combatants.
Revision 2 May Application of Rule 6.7(h) 1.Player A6 piles onto a fight in progress. This is not “another” fight (it’s just a multi-player fight) A6:GM (Intervening in a FI) plus any other penalties incurred (AOPI)
Revision 2 May Application of Rule 6.7(h) 2.Player A6 steps between two players currently involved in a fight to act as a peacemaker. A6:GM (Intervening in a FI) plus AOPI
Revision 2 May Application of Rule 6.7(h) 3.Player A6 grabs/restrains a teammate currently involved in a fight in an attempt to prevent further penalties. A6:GM (Intervening in a FI) plus AOPI
Revision 2 May Application of Rule 6.7(h) 4.Player A6 grabs/restrains an opponent currently involved in a fight in an attempt to prevent further penalties. A6:GM (Intervening in a FI) plus AOPI
Revision 2 May Another Fight, Same Stoppage A two-headed monster a.k.a. “2 nd Fight, Same Stoppage”
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) Any PLAYER… 1.Joining in a fight, OR 2.Acting as a peacemaker in a fight, OR 3.Taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play… …will be assessed a Game Misconduct PLUS any other penalty they incur under the rules. “2 nd Fight, Same Stoppage”
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) Any PLAYER… 1.Joining in a fight, OR 2.Acting as a peacemaker in a fight, OR 3.Taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play… …will be assessed a Game Misconduct PLUS any other penalty they incur under the rules. “2 nd Fight, Same Stoppage”
Revision 2 May Second (Another) Fight, Same Stoppage Rule 6.7(h) GM is assessed to any player taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play. Note that this rule does NOT apply to Team Officials (see Rule 6.7(i)) “2 nd Fight, Same Stoppage” is a misnomer because this rule applies to 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, etc. FI at same stoppage
Revision 2 May Second (Another) Fight, Same Stoppage Let’s agree to say “Another Fight, Same Stoppage” in lieu of “2 nd Fight, Same Stoppage”.
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) Any PLAYER… 1.Joining in a fight, OR 2.Acting as a peacemaker in a fight, OR 3.Taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play… …will be assessed a Game Misconduct PLUS any other penalty they incur under the rules. “Another Fight, Same Stoppage”
Revision 2 May Another Fight, Same Stoppage Rule 6.7(h) GM is assessed…to any player taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play.
Revision 2 May Another Fight, Same Stoppage Rule 6.7(h) GM is assessed…to any player taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play. “Taking Part” means intervening in any manner as a combatant or non-combatant.
Revision 2 May Another Fight, Same Stoppage Rule 6.7(h) GM is assessed…to any player taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play. “Another Fight” means that the fight must be distinctly separate or a spin-off of some other fight.
Revision 2 May Another Fight, Same Stoppage The “another fight, same stoppage” aspect of Rule 6.7(h) is a two-headed monster!
Revision 2 May Another Fight, Same Stoppage Player involved in a fight leaves that fight & becomes involved (as a combatant or peacemaker) in another (i.e., a 2nd, 3rd, etc.) fight.
Revision 2 May Another Fight, Same Stoppage Non-combatants begin another fight when a fight is already in progress.
Revision 2 May Another Fight, Same Stoppage Player involved in a fight leaves that fight & becomes involved (as a combatant or peacemaker) in another (i.e., a 2nd, 3rd, etc.) fight. Non-combatants begin another fight when a fight is already in progress.
Revision 2 May Another Fight, Same Stoppage Rule 6.7(h) GM is assessed…to any player taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play. “Same Stoppage” means the period of time between when play is stopped and the instant that the puck is dropped to resume play.
Revision 2 May Application of Rule 6.7(h) 5.Player A6 starts punching opposing player B7 who is currently engaged in a fight. This is not “another” fight (it’s just a multi-player FI) A6:GM (Intervening in a FI) plus Major & GM (FI) plus AOPI B7:Major & GM (FI) plus AOPI
Revision 2 May Application of Rule 6.7(h) 6.Player A6 piles onto FI in progress but then an original combatant (B7) & A6 break off and fight “head-to-head” in a distinctly separate event. The second event is “another” fight A6:GM (Intervening in a FI) plus Major & GM (FI) plus GM (Another FI same stoppage) + AOPI B7:Major & GM (FI) plus GM (Another FI same stoppage) plus Major & GM (FI) plus AOPI
Revision 2 May Application of Rule 6.7(h) 7.Player A6 starts punching opposing player B7 who is currently engaged in a fight but then A6 and B7 break off and fight “head-to-head” in a distinctly separate event. The second event is “another” fight A6:GM (Intervening in a FI) plus Major & GM (FI) plus GM (Another FI same stoppage) plus Major & GM (FI) plus AOPI B7:Major & GM (FI) plus GM (Another FI same stoppage) plus Major & GM (FI) plus AOPI
Revision 2 May Application of Rule 6.7(h) 8.Players A6 and B7 are the original combatants in a fight. A6 leaves that fight and starts a fight with player B9. The second event is “another” fight A6:Major & GM (FI) plus GM (Another FI same stoppage) plus Major & GM (FI) plus Minor (INS) plus AOPI B9:Major & GM (FI) plus GM (Another FI same stoppage) plus AOPI
Revision 2 May Application of Rule 6.7(h) 9.Players A6 and B7 pair off and begin to fight at about the same time as A8 and B9 pair off and begin to fight. When more than one fight occurs, the Referee must designate one as the “original” fight. All other fights, therefore, are considered as “another” fight (notwithstanding that they may have started simultaneously) A6 & B7:Major & GM (FI) plus AOPI A8 & B9:Major & GM (FI) plus GM (Another FI same stoppage) plus AOPI
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) – Summary Rule 6.7(h) - The ”Intervening in a Fight” and “Another Fight at Same Stoppage” rule.
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) – Summary Any PLAYER… 1.Joining in a fight, OR 2.Acting as a peacemaker in a fight, OR 3.Taking part in another fight during the same stoppage of play… …will be assessed a Game Misconduct PLUS any other penalty they incur under the rules. “Intervening in a Fight” “Another Fight, Same Stoppage”
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) – Summary The “another fight, same stoppage” aspect of Rule 6.7(h) is a two-headed monster!
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) – Summary Non-combatants begin another fight when a fight is already in progress. Player involved in a fight leaves that fight & becomes involved (as a combatant or peacemaker) in another (i.e., a 2nd, 3rd, etc.) fight.
Revision 2 May Rule 6.7(h) An explanation of the ”Intervening in a Fight” and “Another Fight at Same Stoppage” rule. The End.
Revision 2 May Interference & Intervening in a Fight
Revision 2 May “3 rd Player In” / Intervening in a Fight Rule 6.7(h) Player: “Joins in” (throws punches) in a FI GM “Acts as peacemaker” in a FI GM “Takes part” (throw punches or peacemaker) in another FI Team Official: “Joins in” (throws punches) in a fight GM “Acts as peacemaker” in a fight GM
Revision 2 May Rules 7.3(c) & (d) Tip: Circle the word “or” in first line of Rules 7.3(c) & (d) in your rule book. Interference from the Bench Unable to identify offender Offender identified Bench Minor Bench Minor + GM
Revision 2 May Interfering with a Fight from the Bench “Intervene” in a fight Bench Minor + GM Player: GM Tm Off: GRM Interference from bench We’re talking about 2 fouls here!
Revision 2 May Important Note 2 nd Fight, Same Stoppage and “Intervening” in a Fight are penalized under the same rule (6.7(h)). Therefore you can’t assess GM for 2 nd FI same stoppage AND GM for “intervening” in the same fight – Just assess the most appropriate of the two. Interfering with a Fight from the Bench
Revision 2 May Report errors and omissions to
Revision 2 May Visit the Learning Centre at to download other games, presentations and articles related to hockey officiating.