Title: Traditional M ā ori Spirituality& Religion LO’s (You’re now forbidden to ask what this means): -Identify distinctive features of Maori spirituality and religion - Suggest ways in which tapu and mana are acknowledged and respected.
Ethics and ethical issues 3.4 2
Tapu Tapu is used in three senses: 1)Restrictions or prohibitions which safeguard the dignity and survival of people and things. 2)The value, dignity, or worth of someone or something. 3) The intrinsic being or essence of someone or something.
How to respect and protect Tapu Tika Justice, what is right or should be done. Demands that tapu be acknowledged. Pono Integrity, truth, faithfulness to tika. Aroha Love and/or compassion 1.Joyful relationship involving the expression of goodwill and the doing of good, empathy. 2.Sympathy, compassion towards those who are unhappy or suffering.
Mana Spiritual power or authority Comes to people from: Mana tangata – people Mana whenua – the land Mana atua – spiritual powers
Karakia Religious chants/prayers calling on spiritual powers and covering every aspect of creation Is the heart of Maori spirituality, working as a means of making the Maori vision a reality.
Atua Spiritual Powers They are the children of Rangi and Papa Video Clip….
Something to find out…. How do Maori behave in the following situations so that tapu is respected and no harm comes through contact with the sacred? At a tangihanga (funeral) In a urupa ̅ (cemetary)