B uilding Employment - B reaking Barriers - C hanging Lives
Recovery is the personal process that people with mental health conditions experience in gaining control, meaning and purpose in their lives. Recovery means living a full life in the community while learning to live with ongoing symptoms. Evidence that Work is a cornerstone for recovery. Providence Care – commitment to provide evidence based, recovery focused services for the most vulnerable clients with severe complex mental illness. Our Challenge
Established in 1991 based on review of evidence and in collaboration with clients, staff, Queen’s University and the Kingston Business Community. VOCEC’s registered not for profit corporation whose object is to CREATE employment for people living with mental illness VOCEC - umbrella organization that operates a series of affirmative businesses VOCEC Building Employment. Breaking Barriers. Changing Lives.
The Need… Up to 90% of Canadians with serious mental illness are unemployed Barriers to employment include stigma and discrimination “I no longer shy away from conversations with people I don’t know because I know they will ask where I work and that I will be too ashamed to tell them I don’t.” – VOCEC associate
Yet we know that: People with a jobs have a higher quality of life. They are healthier and have higher self-esteem. People living with mental health problems have skills and expertise – they can work and want to work. “An extra $200 a month for me is probably equivalent to a $20,000 raise for most people my age.” – VOCEC associate
The Human Cost: Work Critical To Recovery One of the most important predictors to relapse of mental illness: Employment. (Haro et. Al, 2009) Unemployed have greater risk of readmission to hospital (CIHI, 2010) Unemployment linked to stress and psychological instability with 2-3x increased risk of suicide (CMHC, 2013) Consumers, families and clinicians testify to impact of employment on health and well-being (CMHC, 2013) “VOCEC has given me the courage to leave the house alone to grocery shop, brave the dubious environment of my laundry room and take care of banking – all things I would have been too anxious or depressed to do otherwise”.
2 Vocational Models – Serving different needs 1. Supported Employment Job placement – with long term support Pre-vocational activities Appropriate and effective for some – not all Clients compete for jobs in the community 2. Social Ente rprise Creation of meaningful employment for people with mental illness Usually Not-for-Profit corporations Businesses generate revenue to cover own operating expenses “Socially, I’ve always struggled. Working at the café allows me to have a real purpose and to escape the isolation that has plagued me always”.
VOCEC Structure Incorporated Not-For- Profit. In business for 20 years. Distinct Entity – Volunteer BoD Mandate to employ minimum 60% Providence Care Clients - currently 95% Volunteer BOD ABOM ABSWs Business Associates
Book Ends Café Treasure Café Westwood Canteen Breaking Ground Café Catering Hands On Car Wash Little Green Thumb VOCEC Print Metroland Media Group YMCA of Kingston New York Air Brake Providence Care – fleet vehicles, Little Green Thumb
Making Work Fit: Ensuring People Succeed.
Little Green Thumb
Business Planning 1. Lead Generation 2. Relationship Building 3. Feasibility Study 4. Contract Negotiations 7. Suppliers 5. Menu Development 6. Capital 13. Public Health 9. Staffing - Hospital 10. Staffing - VOCEC 8. Marketing 11. Renovations 12. Licensing 14. Transition 16. Product Development 15. Inventory Management
VOCEC Q1 Results: Q / 14: $(11,000) Q1 2014/15: $26,000
VOCEC Q1 Comparisons Net Income – Q1 comparisons: All Businesses, Year over Year.
VOCEC Net Income Projections 2014/ / 15 Budget Projections
Net Income Past 3 years – and projected Number of Associates Past 3 years VOCEC: Meeting Both Bottom Lines Current Goal: 100 Associates by April 1, 2015
Limitations Social and self Stigma: Prejudicial attitudes and discrimination towards people living with mental health problems Financially Feasible Opportunities - few and far between: Two bottom lines must be met for businesses to succeed – financial feasibility and creation of suitable jobs.
Discussion: Ethics in Marketing Greatest Competitive Advantage: That VOCEC creates employment for people living with mental illness Ethical Dilemma: How do we market while ensuring we reduce stigma – not perpetuate it?
Our Community: Changing lives together