EXAMPLE: I TITLE: What happened to a king with his servant. AUTHOR: Mr. Juan Manuel Lucanor tells Patronio he has a powerful friend who is going to give him his inheritance when he dies and he asks Patronio for advice. Patronio advices him with a story. When I die I’m going to give you my inheritance and my son so that you can advice him. Everybody said hat the king’s adviser was bad so the king made a trick for him.
I’m going abroad to do penance for my sins and I leave you on charge of my kingdom. Don’t go because there will be Problems and wars. What do you think about what the king said? I think it’s a trick. Do what I tell you: shave your head and beard, wear old clothes, a walking stick, broken shoes and put money in the seams. The adviser had a servant who advised him.
Why have you done this? I’d go with you till the end. The king was astound and asked him why he had done it. And at the end the king tells him the truth. I’ll do that way. Patronio tells Lucanor to be careful with the man because he has told that to him to test him.
EXAMPLE: XV TITLE: What happened to Mr. Lorenzo Suarez in the siege of Seville. AUTHOR: Mr. Juan Manuel What shall I do? Listen to what I tell you Lucanor has a very powerful enemy who has been in war with him for a long time. Now they are in peace but he does not trust him and he asks Patronio for advice. Patronio advises him with a story. To know who is the best we have to go to Seville door and knock with the spares. The king Fernando IV had four knights called García Pérez, Suarez Galindo and some one else. They had an argument to know who was the best.
When they hit the door, they turned round and the Muslims went after them and they fought. When they saw the Muslims were after them first the one without name started fighting, then Lorenzo and then García Pérez.
You deserve death. Let us free! King Fernando called the knights and told them they deserve death. He also knew about their bet and he decided thatLorenzo was the winner because he fought very well. I’ll do that way. Patronio told Lucanor not to force the situation with his enemy and wait to be attacked.
EXAMPLE: XXV TITLE: What happened to Provenza earl and how he was freed from prison because of Saladino’s advice. AUTHOR: Mr. Juan Manuel What advice can I give to my beloved servant? I ask you for advise, Patronio Listen to the story I’m going to tell you. Lucanor asks Patronio advice about one of his servants who want to marry one of his relatives, then Patronio advises him through a story. An earl was captured by Saladino. Although he was in prison the earl advised Saladino. One day he got news from his daughter telling him she was looking for a husband.
The earl asks Saladino advise about how his daughter’s husband should be. Saladino tells him he has to be a man. Saladino chose the man that had to be the earl’s daughter’s husband. The earl’s son-in-law went to Saladino’s house for a time to learn from him.
Free the earl! The earl’s son-in-law set a trap for Saladino. He showed him his sword and order Saladino to free the earl and he did so. I’ll do that way. Patronio told Lucanor that the main thing is to be a brave, loyal, honest man and that wealth comes later.
EXAMPLE: XXXIX TITLE: What happened to a man with a swallow and a sparrow. AUTHOR: Mr. Juan Manuel I want to start a war with one of my neighbours but I don’t know with whom. Listen! Lucanor wants to start a war with one of his two neighbours. The closest is less powerful and the farthest has more power. He asks Patronio for advise. Patronio tells him a story. I can’t stand it anymore! I man was unhealthy and he could not sleep because of the birds.
I can’t sleep because of the birds’ noise. The ill man went to a friend’s house to tell him his problem. I have a solution but you can only get rid of one of the birds.
swallow sparrow He chose the sparrow because the swallow comes and goes. I’ll do that way. Patronio tells Lucanor that although the neighbour is far he should start the war with him because he is more powerful.