PANDA experiment at FAIR (JINR Participation) project PANDA A.G.Olshevskiy for JINR PANDA team VBLHEP – DLNP – LIT - BLTP.


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Presentation transcript:

PANDA experiment at FAIR (JINR Participation) project PANDA A.G.Olshevskiy for JINR PANDA team VBLHEP – DLNP – LIT - BLTP

Status of FAIR Project Construction B.Sharkov, Scientific Director FAIR Newsletter No. 13, September 2009

Modules as of 1 st September 2009 Module 0: Heavy-Ion Synchrotron SIS100, basis and core of FAIR, required for all physics programmes Module 1: Experiment hall at SIS100 for extracted beam diagnostics, HADES/CBM, APPA, and detector calibration. Module 2: Super-FRS for NUSTAR. Module 3: Antiproton facility for PANDA, providing further options also for NUSTAR Module 4: Additional low-energy caves for NUSTAR, NESR storage ring for NUSTAR und APPA, building for antimatter programmeFLAIR Module 5: RESR storage ring for a higher beam intensity for PANDA and parallel operation with NUSTAR

JINR PANDA TEAM V.M.Abazov, G.D.Alexeev, V.A.Arefiev, V.I.Astakhov, M.Yu.Barabanov, M.A.Baturitsky, B.V.Batyunya, V.A.Budilov, Yu.I.Davydov, V.Kh.Dodokhov, A.A.Efremov, A.G. Fedunov, A.Feschenko, A.S.Galoyan, G.A.Golovanov, S.Grigoryan, Yu.N.Kharzheev, D.E.Korablev, E.K.Koshurnikov, D.I.Krestnikov, V.I.Lobanov, Yu.Yu.Lobanov, G.I.Lykasov, A.F.Makarov, L.V.Malinina, V.L.Malyshev, I.Manjavidze, P.V.Nomokonov, I.A.Olex, A.G.Olshevskiy, M.A.Patsyuk, E.A.Perevalova, A.A.Piskun, T.A.Pocheptsov, D.B.Pontecorvo, I.K.Prokhorov, V.K.Rodionov, Yu.N.Rogov, A.M.Rozhdestvensky, Z.Ya. Sadygov, A.G.Samartsev, M.G.Sapozhnikov, G.S.Shabratova, S.S.Shimansky, A.O.Sidorin, N.B.Skachkov, A.N.Skachkova, A.V.Smirnov, M.K.Suleimanov, V.V.Tokmenin, V.V.Volnykh, V.V.Uzhinsky, A.Yu.Verkheev, A.S.Vodopianov, S.A.Zaporozhets, N.I.Zhuravlev, A.G.Zorin,

Scientific program of PANDA Study of QCD with Antiprotons Charmonium Spectroscopy – Precision Spectroscopy – Study of Confinement Potential – Access to all these puzzling X, Y and Z Search for Exotics – Look for Glueballs and Hybrids – Gluon rich environment → high discovery potential Hadrons in Medium – Study in-medium modification of Hadrons Nucleon Structure – Generalized Parton Distribution – Timelike Form Factor of the Proton – Drell-Yan Process Hypernuclear Physics...

Scientific Program of PANDA was presented and discussed: JINR – GSI Workshop, JINR, Dubna, Nov. 2003; PANDA Collaboration meeting at JINR, Dubna, June 2006; LHE-LPP Joint Seminar, JINR, 2007, presented by M.Barabanov; 103st Session of JINR Scientific Council, Feb.2008, presented by A.G.Olshevskiy; XVII International seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, JINR, Dubna 2008, presented by M.Barabanov; JINR PANDA Group meeting, March 11, 2009 (presentations by N.Skachkov, A.Galoyan, M.Barabanov, A.Zorin et al.) MPD meeting, JINR, June 2009, presented by A.Galoyan; PANDA Physics Performance Report is published in 2009; PANDA Workshop, January 2010;

Current Status of PANDA project at FAIR Conceptual Design Report “An International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons”, GSI, Darmstadt, 2001; APPROVED Letter of Intent “Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons”, GSI, Darmstadt, 2004; APPROVED Technical Progress Report “ PANDA. Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons”, GSI, Darmstadt, 2005 ; APPROVED  Technical Design Report “PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeters”, GSI, Darmstadt, 2008; APPROVED  Technical Design Report “PANDA Solenoid and Dipole Spectrometer Magnets”, GSI, Darmstadt, 2009; APPROVED  TDR’s on the other detector subsystems are under preparation Physics Performance Report, GSI, Darmstadt, 2009, arXiv: v1

Detector The PANDA Detector beam interaction point solenoid dipole EM and hadron calorimeters target generator RICH drift or wire chambers TOF stop muon counters 12 m

JINR PANDA team tasks: Participation in preparation of physics program; Design & Construction of Superconducting Split Coil Solenoid Magnet; Design & Construction of detecting elements of DIRC Cherenkov detector; Design & Construction of Muon System;

Magnet system for the PANDA experiment Target spectrometerForward spectrometer Beam pipe Instrumented flux return yoke Laminated sliding door Sliding door Dipole magnet coil Cryostat Movable platform Target production Target recovery Antiproton- beam direction Superconducting solenoid coil

Solenoid magnet design Magnet FE TOSCA model Magnetic field requirements magnetic induction in the central tracker region: B = 2 T field inhomogeneity: ΔB/B < 2% radial component integral: stray fields at the turbo-pump locations: B < 5 mT field at the DIRC readout location: B < 1 T minimization of the magnetic forces

Magnetic flux density distribution JINR PANDA Magnet Group achievements: Uniform current density in all 3 sub-coils Inner accommodation of the barrel DIRC readout becomes possible Small axial magnetic force at the solenoid coil (F < 20 t) Horizontal plane

Mechanical stresses and deformations Gravity load, magnetic forces and additional vertical and horizontal seismic loads. Design criteria for the Finite Element analysis: building norms and Eurocodes 3. The deformations are at the level of 1 mm The stresses are within the allowable limits

Schematic of the DIRC fused silica radiator bar and imaging region geometry that illustrates how the light production, transport, and imaging components are arranged in the DIRC. DIRC – Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light

Schematic view of the principal components of the DIRC mechanical structure.

Short (300 mm) prototypes of the DIRC quartz radiators produced at Miass Co. and polished at LZOS (Lytkarino) factory according with PANDA DIRC specifications.

Investigations of the optical properties of the short quartz bar prototypes with the spectrophotometer at LHEP 90 cm long quartz bars are under treatment at LZOS (Lytkarino) factory currently.

PANDA Muon System * Main purposes - registration of muons over the whole PANDA acceptance - muon separation versus the hadrons (pions, kaons, protons) * Most interesting sources of muons - J/ , D-mesons, Drell-Yan pairs * Energy range – 10.0 GeV (Pt -> up to 2 GeV/c) * Experimental technology - Range System (3 & 6 cm sampling) * Detector technology - Mini-Drift Tubes (MDT) with wire and strip R/O * Detector electronics - Amplifier – Discriminator Boards (ADB) of D0 type * Main system numbers MDTs ( 1 to 4 metre long) - 30’000 wire R/O channels (digital yes/no) - 50’000 strip R/O channels (digital yes/no)

PANDA Target Spectrometer 2600 MDTs Dipole RICH µ - Filter 700 MDTs FRS 900 MDTs ECAL Muon and Hadron Detection in PANDA by Range System TOTAL : about 4200 MDTs

Pion/muon separation in RS at 0.8 GeV

Mini Drift Tube ( MDT ) module HV connector Gas connector 8 wire connectors

Wire and strip signals Signals after the AMPL-8.3 on 50 Ohm load Single eventAveraged

Amplifier-Discriminator Board with ADC ADB-16 (preamp) QTC, version 2

Current Status of JINR Participation in PANDA and plans The work on PANDA physics program, simulation, software and detectors (Magnet, DIRC and Muon) is well advanced at JINR and is supported by Collaboration, BMBF and Russia It is time now to start the detector construction and main resources for this are expected from Russian contribution to FAIR Participation at PANDA provides an access to the unique antiproton physics facility and in heavy ions is complementary to NICA