Suffixes: -ness, -less, -able, -ible -ness: the state or act of being kindness : the act of being kind -less: without toothless : without teeth -able, -ible: able to adorable : able to adore reversible : able to reverse
Suffixes: -ness, -less, -able, -ible sadnessfriendless readablecollectible goodnesspenniless reversibleheaviness painlesslyhopelessness
On Your Own Page 517 Suffixes: -ness, -less, -able, -ible
campfire Definition: an outdoor fire used for cooking or warmth Sentence: At night, the campers made a campfire.
cattle Definition: cows, bulls, and steers that are raised for their milk, meat, or skins Sentence: The cowboy led the cattle up the trail.
cowboy Definition: a man that works on a cattle ranch or in rodeos Sentence: The cowboy wore boots and a big hat.
galloped Definition: ran fast (referring to a horse) Sentence: The horses galloped across the field.
herd Definition: a group of the same kind of animals that are kept or fed together Sentence: We saw a herd on sheep on the trail.
railroad Definition: a road or track of two steel rails on which trains run Sentence: The traffic stopped at the railroad tracks.
trails Definition: overland paths Sentence: The nature preserve has many beautiful trails.
On Your Own Page 518
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On Your Own Page 527
fixturewashableslowness nationbunionillness forciblepainlesscollectible Read the words.
On Your Own Page 521
Name that word! cattle trails herd campfire railroad cowboy galloped Which word fits in each category? paths, sidewalks, tracks highway, runway, bike lane walked, trotted, cantered cows, bulls, steers firefighter, police officer, doctor flock, colony, pack stove, microwave, grill
Page 466 Cowboys
Word Sorting -ness -less -able-ible quickness toothless readable collectible speechless convertible soreness shapeable teachable stillness
Read these words: rudenesscountless collectible edible fixableloneliness
On Your Own Page 526
Pictionary campfire cattle cowboy galloped herd railroad trails Shoulder Partners: Choose a vocabulary word. Draw a picture of your word. Your partner will guess which word you drew! Then, switch roles.
Let’s Practice It! Main Idea & Details
Final Syllables: -tion, -ture, -ion -tion -ture -ion fixture opinion billion motion future fiction furniture mention stallion adventure scallion solution Sort the words into the columns.
Read the words buyeagleshalfreversible breathlessteacheslargermany horriblemeadowhurriedtheir sittingreadingalonetirelessly darknessgazingyoungestenjoyable
Unfamiliar Words
On Your Own Page 522
Write your first and last name on your test. Relax and do your best! Spelling Test