10 characteristics of bottom-up ngo10 characteristics of bottom-up ngo.where next? 1.1 Differences and similarities between Bangladesh's networks: BRAC & GrameenBRAC & Grameen 1.1a Examples of nations where Bangla Bottom-Up has been wholly & truly implemented 1.1b Reconsidering Norman Macrae.s Pro-Youth Economics “Conside”r Trilogy (Consider Japan from 62; Consider China from 76; Consider Bangladesh from 2001 in contexts such as :1 Asia pacific www century (The Economist 1975); searching for microfranchises to create netgen’s 3 bilion jobs – 1984 book; 3 collaboration generation millennium goals and prevention of greatest risks (ending poverty) 1.2 Bottom-Up Open Franchise E1-2-3 : Effective > Efficient> Expandable (is scalable) 1.3 More on the pro-youth economic methods " microfranchise & 1C2 to IC7Apps linking 1 & 2 through 7..- noting gamechangers and pro-youth 2010s timelines Value multipliers: Massive Open Online Collaboration/Course/Curriculum Which MOOCs will scale and maximise the human possibilities of the net generationWhich MOOCs will scale and maximise the human possibilities of the net generation – why are collaboration treasure maps configured around 9 minute audio training modules millions of youth most need to interact can we map how MOOCING free university will make even man's moon races look like small scale collaborationcan we map how MOOCING free university will make even man's moon races look like small scale collaboration … stakeholder segments who wish to end the 4 education monopolies of what's researched, what's taught.. what's examined, who accredits? survey of which online educators value youth's futures mostsurvey of which online educators value youth's futures most top 10 missing curriculum of billion job creation 100 changes where families want schools to help create jobs Why and how over-examination destroys most youth's most vital time in life to entrepreneurially job create synergies between real nearly free universities and MOOCyunus maximising collaboration between MOOC education entrepreneurs and other education entrepreneurs how mit became number 1 job creating alumni network in open tech and social impact worlds 3.0 Understanding why Keynes warned youth to be terrified of old economists as the designers of the future 3.1 Whole Truth: Understanding how Einstein-Gandhi,-Montessori also concluded ruling top- down professions become greatest threat in times of unprecedented worldiwde cange 3.1 Soros’ 30 most valued leaders at Inetworkeconomics & Open Society- rethink economics from ground up before it bankrupts youth everywhere track other top 100 leaders investing in net generation being worldwide youth's most productive and collaborative time 3.2 ER’s checklist- which of these 20 anti-youth monopolies is destroying your nation’s future freedoms 3.3 Hunt for multi-win models way above zero-sum defining issue of human sustainability in global village borderless age- professions used to global profiting from separation assumptions put human race at greatest compound risk of being extinguished by natures rules 3.4 brac case of barefoot professionals in every village 3.5 Ilab case of compound risk national hubs 3.6 Mackey case of benchmarking trillion dollar purposes of global market sectors freed by conscious capitalism- comparison with what Adam Smith actually said and The Economist's entrepreneurial lens mediated 4 Which media mix will help search out Pro-youth & intercommunity microfranchises Which media and education mixes will transparently charter freedoms of purpose of trillion dollar markets to sustain youth Choice of 2 worst ways to be mass mediated- can we help youth end this 20th c disease University of stars model led by singforhope and radical resistance The bbc2/1 model can be more valuable to youth open world triad than BRIC model How do we make reconciliation and innovation methods childs play 7 How do worldwide youth celebrate every investment china makes in clean energy? Why don’t economists value abundancy of replicating clean energy franchises as exact opposite of scarcity models applied to carbon energy Emerging cases of thriving carbon negative economies including community job creation Ray Anderson cases: most market sectors can profitably be led by a semi-generation plan to change whole supply chain to zero-carbon- exponential leaderships missing metrics Why isn’t best for local food security crop science celebrated the way The Economist used to champion the most cheerful chart in the world WENNN- Women Energy, Nutrition, Nursing Networks can be mobilised as grassroots most valuable players in youth’s futures. Will human race unite around girl power in time A first 12 minute curriculum to creating jobs - usability homepage what should and should not be examined
10 characteristics of bottom-up ngo10 characteristics of bottom-up ngo.where next? 1.1 Differences and similarities between Bangladesh's networks: BRAC & GrameenBRAC & Grameen 1.1a Examples of nations where Bangla Bottom-Up has been wholly & truly implemented 1.1b Reconsidering Norman Macrae.s Pro-Youth Economics “Conside”r Trilogy (Consider Japan from 62; Consider China from 76; Consider Bangladesh from 2001 in contexts such as :1 Asia pacific www century (The Economist 1975); searching for microfranchises to create netgen’s 3 bilion jobs – 1984 book; 3 collaboration generation millennium goals and prevention of greatest risks (ending poverty) 1.2 Bottom-Up Open Franchise E1-2-3 : Effective > Efficient> Expandable (is scalable) 1.3 More on the pro-youth economic methods " microfranchise & 1C2 to IC7Apps linking 1 & 2 through 7..- noting gamechangers and pro-youth 2010s timelines - usability homepage Value multipliers: Massive Open Online Collaboration/Course/Curriculum Which MOOCs will scale and maximise the human possibilities of the net generationWhich MOOCs will scale and maximise the human possibilities of the net generation – why are collaboration treasure maps configured around 9 minute audio training modules millions of youth most need to interact can we map how MOOCING free university will make even man's moon races look like small scale collaboration 3.0 Understanding why Keynes warned youth to be terrified of old economists as the designers of the future 3.1 Whole Truth: Understanding how Einstein-Gandhi,- Montessori also concluded ruling top-down professions become greatest threat in times of unprecedented worldiwde cange 3.1 Soros’ 30 most valued leaders at Inetworkeconomics & Open Society- rethink economics from ground up before it bankrupts youth everywhere 3.2 ER’s checklist- which of these 20 anti-youth monopolies is destroying your nation’s future freedoms 3.3 Hunt for multi-win models way above zero-sum defining issue of human sustainability in global village borderless age- professions used to global profiting from separation assumptions put human race at greatest compound risk of being extinguished by natures rules 3.4 brac case of barefoot professionals in every village 3.5 Ilab case of compound risk national hubs 4 Which media mix will help search out Pro-youth & intercommunity microfranchises Which media and education mixes will transparently charter freedoms of purpose of trillion dollar markets to sustain youth University of Stars model led by singforhope and radical resistance The bbc2/1 model can be more valuable to youth open world triad than bric model How do we make reconciliation and innovation methods childs play How do worldwide youth celebrate every investment china makes in clean energy? Why don’t economists value abundancy of replicatng clean energy franchises as exact opposite of scarcity models applied to carbon energy Why isn’t best for local food security crop science celebrated the way The Economist used to champion the most cheerful chart in the wprld WENNN- Women Energy, Nutrition, Nursing Networks can be mobilised as grassroots most valuable players in youth’s futures. Will human race unite around girl power in time? what should and should not be examined A first 12 minute curriculum to creating jobs